Party like it's Groundhog's Day! RE-Blends!
Party like it’s Groundhog’s Day! It’s our 1st Annual Groundhog’s Day Re-Blend Weekend! And you could get free tea! Details:
Urghhh… That’s just cruel.
Tries really, really hard to not break tea buying hiatus.
Only if the reblends hold true to the originals. I’ve had bad luck in the recent ish past :(
Walter bishop is there….sniffles
Mostly, it’s the Cherry Cheesecake that I’m dying to try. I even requested a reblend for that one. Except, just the one pouch with shipping would be like $15 and I can’t afford that right now.
(But also, more banana teas & another rootbeer blend to cross of the giant ass list of rootbeer teas I want to try)
It’s killing me…
It probably helps I haven’t had many of the originals for comparison though – so I can’t be disappointed on that level.
Thanks, both of you, but it sounds like my frequent swap partner VariaTEA may be able to provide me with a taste of the ones I’m most interested in :)
No razzleberry genmaicha :(
Hmm…I’m tempted. But I think I should try and wait till there is another reblend, and even though it might be a long time from now.
This is what’s tempting me so far:
Earl Grey Cheesecake
Green Apple Watermelon
I would love to try Razzleberry Genmaicha but doesn’t look like it’s offered. Well since I managed to resist the temptation of the other teas that I’ve been curious about…I just might get those 2.
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