Tea plans for the new year?
What are your tea plans for 2014? I want to learn gongfu brewing, spend some time with India teas, and I hope to be able to resume my chanoyu study and practice.
I would like to finally get up the guts to try the pu-erh cakes I have in my stash as I’ve only ever had loose pu-erh. I’d like to get better at using a gaiwan and at steeping in general. And I’d like to reduce my tea collection to a reasonable amount and try some teas from companies I haven’t yet had the pleasure of trying.
Try as many teas as possible. :) Maybe expand out into the vast world of greens and herbals. Start making iced teas of all sorts. Buy a transparent tea pot and a blossoming tea.
There’s lots I’d love to do this year in the world of tea. I just have to get myself well enough mentally and physically to be able to do it :)
1. Master using a gaiwan without breaking it in the learning process
2. Visit here: http://gondola.trtc.com.tw/ct.asp?xItem=48496785&CtNode=64493&mp=122034
3. Make it to more Steepster meet-ups
4. Whittle down my stash (current count: 172; goal: 100)
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