Any favorite chamomile blends?
So I just discovered American Tea Room’s Zzz, which is a chamomile, verveine, mint blend, but before I commit to its spot in the stash, anyone have another favorite non-basic chamomile? I’m thinking things with lemon/verveine/linden would be especially welcome, but all suggestions are very much appreciated. Thank you!
I wholeheartedly recommend:
New Mexico Tea Company’s Starlight Sleep
Butiki’s Organic Lavender Chamomile
Organic Lemon, Honey, & Chamomile Premium Rooibos from Boston Tea Company. It’s the only rooibos I like (and it’s a green one) and I love the honey and vanilla with the chamomile.
Paromi’s “Sleep With Me”
chamomile, lemon balm, honeybush, apple, cinnamon, linden leaves, natural apricot and quince flavor
It’s so good!
Quite honestly, I like Starbucks’ Tazo Calm. After drinking it, I actually feel like sleeping.
This is terrific. Thanks to you all! Now to try to stay awake through a chamomile tea tasting. :)
Citrus Dream from Butiki, and Chocolate Chamomile Curiosity Brew from Verdant.
As by its name, Citrus Dream is a nice lemony chamomile with some apple bits and such. Very relaxing.
CCC Brew from Verdant has a black tea base, and it makes a good dessert tea. Chocolatey, minty with a nice touch from the chamomile.
I like to keep Tazo’s Calm on hand but I really like Mother’s Little Helper by DavidsTea. It has peppermint, lemon grass, and hibiscus which I love. Adagio’s custom blend Molly Hooper (Sherlock) is another good one.
It’s not exactly a lull-you-to-sleep sort of blend, but I quite like Mango Lassi from DavidsTea.
I ordered coconut chamomile from months ago and just now tried and loved it. Sadly gone from the catalog but it might be possible as a custom order which is worth attempting if you love coconut. It persists throughout multiple brews and made gentle with chamomile petals, it is naturally sweet like coconut water.
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