Too bad, they’ve taken down the article.
Can’t figure that out since I tested after posting. Thanks for updating the link, VariaTea!!
DigniTea, “What do you think of the list?”
The Fox list certainly doesn’t match Steepster’s Highest-Rated Tea list:
PG Tips: I read several good comments about this tea. However, it’s hard to imagine any teabag tea being included in a list of the world’s top 10 teas.
Here’s how Steepster rated each of Fox’s Top-10:
1.) Adagio Golden Yunnan – 78
2.) Elemental Tea Kenya Black Dryer Mouth NR
3.) Golden Moon Rasa Sinharaja Black Tea 78
4.) Kusmi Tea’s Anastasia Black Tea 79
5.) Novus Tea Sapphire Earl Grey 70
6.) PeLi Teas Lapsang Souchong NR
7.) PG Tips 75
8.) SerendipiTea Guranse Estate Organic Black Tea NR
9.) Teas Etc Golden Monkey Organic Tea 85
10.) TeaVivre Yun Nan Dian Hong Black Tea 89 / 85? / 83
(Edit: Please see next two posts as to which Yun Nan Dian Hong was tested by Gayot.)
I can only speak to the TeaVivre Dian Hong as that’s the only one on the list that I may have tried. But TeaVivre has 4 or 5 Dian Hong’s and it’s unclear from the Fox site as to which one they are rating. So I checked out the Gayot review of the tea in question, and again they ain’t specific. But judging by the picture posted at their review I’d bet that it’s not the version listed in the above link. I suspect it’s the Yun Nan Dian Hong Golden Tip variety which I’ve bought and thought was excellent. And it’s rated among the top of the Steepster reviews of TeaVivre blacks. Here’s the Gayot review if anyone else wants to check it out.
“… TeaVivre has 4 or 5 Dian Hong’s and it’s unclear from the Fox site as to which one they are rating.”
GuyOne, Thanks for the heads-up. After looking at the photo in the link you provided, I think you may be correct. It doesn’t appear to be their Yun Nan Dian Hong. Color wise, the Yun Nan Dian Hong pictured is quite gold not black. TeaVivre has 4 Yun Nan Dian Hong teas: There is also a Rose Dian Hong Black Tea
The Gayot review lists the cost of the tested tea as “$16.90 for 3.5 oz.” Per the TeaVivre website, none of their Dian Hong currently sells for that price. Price wise, TeaVivre’s “Yun Nan Dian Hong Black Tea *Full-Leaf”* sells for $13.90 / 100g (3.5oz) and is also gold in color. The “Golden Tip” version currently sells for $14.90 / 50g (1.75oz)
The Gayot reviewer would be well-advised to clearly identify the specific tea being reviewed. A web link for the specific tea is also very helpful in eliminating ambiguity.
As much as I like Golden Moon Rasa Sinharaja Black Tea I doubt it is part of the top 10 in the world…I am not sure if it is even my top 10. Although I will say it is my third favorite tea from Golden Moon.
It is sad the list seems to be all Black teas, no love for the other types :(
There’s a green tea list by the same folks who compiled this one. I agree with this one even less, and I do wonder how they got what they got.
Thanks for adding the Green Tea link!
I took a quick look and Fox News just picked this up from a websited called
Here is what is in the about us section of the website: serves as a leading worldwide authority on the good life. Millions of readers turn to Gayot’s savvy, professional reviews on dining, travel and lifestyle. From “Best of” lists and travel guides, to a searchable restaurant and hotel database, Gayot provides dependable coverage while keeping up with the latest trends and news.
I didn’t browse too long, but I could not find any info on who actually writes for the site or how they actually compiled this top 10.
Well, unless states how they arrived at their conclusion these are top 10 teas, it means nothing to me. Maybe they are author’s favorites.. lol They do however have a separate article on top 10 green teas… again, how they came up with these… mystery.
Psshhh! What does the Fox know?!
The Top-10 list was created by:
Per FOX News: “These ten are’s favorites, …”
Ok, I stand corrected. But saying what does the Gayot know really just kills the joke. :)
Every time I see a list of the best anything I can’t help to think is biased… but ’World’s BEST’ seems a mix of presumptuousness and ignorance.
Hmm…let’s see…much more than a 1000 types of tea from around the world from countless retailers around the world. I can’t imagine drinking thousands of teas, from around the world, and then picking out the 10 best/favorites. Comparing blacks to greens to blue to oolongs to flavored…kind of pointless
I completely agree on Golden Moon’s Sinharaja! That would easily make my ten list. I love Adagio’s Yunnans but haven’t tried that one! I’m glad to see something from Teavivre, but really any of their black teas could have made the list. Something from Butiki should have been on there!
“I’m glad to see something from Teavivre, but really any of their black teas could have made the list.” +1
“Something from Butiki should have been on there!”
Agreed, and Verdant too!
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