Standard Shipping Times- Canada to the United States
Hey guys,
I thought I would tap into the consciousness that is Steepster to find out what everyone is experiencing as standard delivery times when ordering tea from Canada and shipping it to the United States?
We’re finding that Canada Post has been unpredictable delivering our teas south of the border. Some times its a matter of a few days, other times its up to two weeks.
I just got an email from a customer who’s order was shipped out on Monday to NH and she didn’t receive it as of yesterday and she thought it was unacceptable. Just wondering if I should be revisiting our shipping options for those that want to pay more for faster shipping.
Thanks y’all!
I’m in Canada, so I don’t receive stuff from Canada to the US, but I mailed several swap packages over the weekend to the US. One has arrived and 3 just cleared Customs yesterday. Shipping across international borders is as much dependent on customs clearing as it is on the post office – you have no control over how long customs holds packages. Your client who thinks that 4 business days is unacceptable doesn’t live in the real world. I quite often order tea in the US and have it shipped to Canada – reverse of what we are talking about. I don’t even look at tracking to see when it’s coming for a week. I think 10 days is pretty standard in my experience, but two weeks isn’t unheard of…. IMHO. :))
Same, I’ m in Canada as well. Parcels from the US usually take 8-12 days to reach me as well. I did have one letter reach the West coast of the US in 4 days. It was regular untracked letter mail. Both the recipient and I thought this was unusually fast service.
I’m in Indiana in the U.S. and have ordered/swapped from Canada several times. A week and a half to two weeks seems to be standard (so 10-14 days) in my experience. It may be longer or shorter depending on where in the U.S. the packages are being shipped.
Agree with everyone above. It’s not CanadaPost, it’s customs. I often have probs with ups and purolater as well. Customs holds the packages, sometimes 1 day, and one instance of 3 weeks.
I regularly ship to the US and I find it can take up to 2 weeks, I don’t believe I’ve had anything take longer. Though I had one person in California where every package I sent only ever took 4 days. I was amazed at how quickly those particular parcels got there.
I’d agree with Lala in that it’s customs and not the post. It’s also handed off to USPS once it crosses the border if it originates from Canada Post here I believe.
Customs can be so unpredictable sometimes! Although we do have to say that during the Christmas rush Canada Post truly did drop the ball with deliveries. Heck, here in Toronto some of our orders were taking 3-4 days to deliver across town. We had one customer order that lived a block from our packing facility, so we just walked it over and gave her some extra tea- wasn’t going to chance it!
In regards to taking 3-4 days to deliver across town: Does Toronto have a mail sorting center? A few years ago (maybe 5-6) as part of cost cutting measures, Canada Post closed many of their sorting centers. They said it was cheaper to truck the mail to farther sorting centers, sort the mail, then truck it back. The city I live in, the sorting center was closed, our mail gets sent a province away to get sorted, then gets sent back. It could potentially take 5-7 days for a letter mailed somewhere that was 20 km away. The local mail is supposed to be picked out before it is sent to the sorting center, but that is not always the case. It also depends on when you send it and if it makes “cut off” deadlines or not. Canada Post will accept the parcel the same day, but if it is past the cut off for that facility, it doesn’t actually go anywhere until the next day. Different areas of the city will have different cutoffs.
So not sure if that factors in for you. I certainly think Canada Post can be quite inefficient and inconsistent.
I took a quick look at your site and I couldn’t find any shipping information. What I would suggest (this is completely my opinion) is that you have a shipping policy that clearly states items will be shipped via Canada Post express (or whatever shipping level) which would take X amount of business days. But your company is not responsible for any hold ups in the shipping that are caused by the postal system or customs etc. I would also suggest offering a shipping level that has a tracking number. That way you and the customer can keep track of where the package is. (This type of policy is what I find most international companies that I order from have).
Certainly you want your international customers to be happy, but I don’t think 4days is an unreasonable amount of time to wait, unless it was explicitly stated it would be there by 4 days.
Hope that all makes sense.
I think with Canada Post to the US you can only get tracking on XPress or Priority orders which would be quite expensive. When I do up packages at work it won’t let me add a tracking to a regular US parcel at least.
I know when I send packages to the US – just a normal person not a company – I choose small parcel US option and I can add tracking for a bit more. The last one I sent out was 13 ish without 15 ish with tracking – I always pay the extra $2-3 to get the tracking, but I can understand why that would be expensive for a company that sends out tons of packages.
Interesting. It greys the box out for regular parcels at work, if I am remembering right. Perhaps not. Or it could be a business vs individual thing. Tracking is your best friend if you can get it though. That way you can see what’s going on and also make claims with Canada Post if necessary.
Thanks for taking a peek at our site Lala! I think we’ll define our shipping policy a little bit more for our friends in the United States. We’ve noticed a HUGE spike in cross border folks ordering, so we just want to make sure we are being reasonable with the shipping lead times. Here in Canada when we ship via their commercial shipping tool expedited parcels all include tracking numbers in the price. When we ship by air to the US (the least expensive option with a 4-7 day delivery standard) tracking is not an option. I have a phone call scheduled on monday with our account rep so hopefully I can iron all this out.
I’m not personally obsessed with tracking. I’d rather pay less,but I can see why it’s important to some people. Perhaps you could offer it as an option for shipping.
Also in Canada, so what I’m mentioning is the reverse: but for me, 2 weeks seems to be relatively standard and what I’ve come to sort of anticipate.
Although, I did have a Butiki order reach me in under a week and both times I’ve ordered from 52Teas the delivery has been very quick.
I agree with the consensus, as most of the packages that I’ve received have been from Canada and are tea related, and usually take 10-15 days though I was very pleased one time when I got a package from Davids Teas within 4 days. But that is the exception, not the rule.
Even with within the country, things can take a awhile to get to their intended places.
In the last few years USPS has closed quite a few of their facilities to cut costs, I could be wrong but I highly doubt that it has cut costs that much now they have to use more gas for regular and special delivery. (Generally packages of a certain size will get delivered only by special, not the regular carrier. It’s so the carriers aren’t weighed down with a bunch of packages.
I buy direct from Mariage Freres, TWG, etc while on business trips overseas and bring back what I can. The alternative sucks — your package will promptly arrive in the US within a business day, then gets warehoused waiting on clearance. Keep in mind, it is NOT JUST CUSTOMS it is clearing. Because Tea is a food item, it also has to go through USDA and Department of Agriculture inspection.
Sometimes it pops right on through within a week. Usually longer, up to 3 weeks.
Worst case, they will open up your package, open containers/bags of tea (yes, breaking seals and all), and as you can see in this post ( ) some people have even had their bricks of puerh broken in half and hopes of long-term storage destroyed.
If you have no alternative, it’s OK, you do what you have to if you want to keep your cupboard stocked with your favorites ;-). My advice though, find a job (or friend with a job) that sends you/them overseas 6-10 times a year, and you are in worry-free tea bliss!! :-) :-) :-)
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