Cold steeping?
I’ve never made homemade iced tea before other than a time that I did it with orange pekoe teabags on a stovetop…and that turned out quite well. I’d love to get into iced tea and have many teas I’m sure would be amazing iced, but I’m not really sure of the best way to go about doing it.
Is it better to cold steep tea without using any hot water whatsoever, or brew it hot as usual and cool it afterwards? Does it depend on the type of tea? Which method, in your opinion, presents a more desirable outcome?
I recently received an exotic iced tea set over Christmas and I love steeping the tea in bot water first, and then serving it over ice. This way the flavours are brought out from the tea leaves and cooling is much faster! I also mix in my honey before I serve it over ice.
Is that the one from Teavana? I was debating getting it, but I shy away from herbals and whites because I’ve had bad experiences with them hot and never had the courage to try them iced.
I was debating doing it this way – in fact, cold steeping never even crossed my mind until recently.
Cold steeping and hot brewing and then putting over ice brings out different flavors so honestly it is best to experiment. Personally, I like cold steeping just because it is so simple and the final product is usually quite tasty. However, I have cold steeped whites and oolongs and not really enjoyed the outcomes. Cold steeping greens and herbals have gone well for me and I recently purchased the Southern Boy Teas that I intend to cold steep. Honestly though, it is a lot of just trying things out and seeing what works best for you.
In my experience, cold steeping usually brings out sweeter and subtler flavors while doing it the classic “steep hot then chill” method makes for stronger, more tannic tea. I love cold steeping green tea, yum. It’s down to personal preference and trial and error. Also time vs. convenience might be a factor—I like cold steeping because the ratios and all that are the same, just dump in a jar and wait. But it takes a long time, overnight usually (and for some black teas I coldsteep for days!).
yes! we love cold-steep. it does take longer but it always works! You get amazing depth and body. We also found it can take three days for even a green tea, if you steep start to finish in the fridge, but worth the wait.
Just resist the urge to do “sun tea” you basicly leave tea bags in a large jar outside filled with water and tea for a day, not only is the tea bad but its a quick way to get,food poisoning
I prefer cold steeping. I find the teas less bitter when made that way. I haven’t tried hot steeping and then chilling the tea after I bought the Breville one touch. It will probably be less bitter when the water temperature is right :)
I have really been enjoying cold-steeping black teas like English Breakfast. The two times I made it with a boiled-brew, it was super super bitter, and I like the subtler tasted of it when it is cold-steeped. Typically you’re supposed to do 10 to 24 hours, and 24 hours is what I did for my last brew, although it was a black tea which means you are supposed to steep it for longer. That’s just my preferred method for iced-tea. On that note, Happy Hot Tea month!
ok folks, tis the season for the tea newbie to ask about cold steeping. I remember the sun tea phase in the 70’s where you just left a yellow glass jug outside in the sun….ew. I purchased this:
anyone have any experience with this product? The instructions were all in japanese, so I’m hoping it’s as simple as it looks! I got my first order from Adagio and the “freebie” was a bag of expired organic mango teabags, so cold steep, here I come! Any hints/tips/stories are welcomed!
I cold brew black tea in the fridge. Makes it nice and balanced and doesn’t make the tannins too sharp.
I’ve never seen your type of pitcher before, but I love the look of it! Can I ask you where you got it?? I have the iced tea set from Tea Forte, and love it. You hot brew, then pour over ice in the larger pitcher. Yum!
Expired?? What? Adagio never sends me anything “expired”. But how can you tell?? The bags don’t have dates on them…
If it’s actually expired, should contact their customer services. They are amazing.
Anyway, Just put it to an appropriate amount of water and leave in the fridge overnight. Remove the tea from it in the morning and sweeten if you like. That’s it. :)
i got it on Amazon…. It’s nice cuz it’s slim enough to fit on the door of the fridge or on the top shelf.
I cold brew a lot of my teas except anything with hibiscus. Somehow the hibiscus becomes way to strong. I don’t usually do white and greens as a cold brew.
I use the Takeya ice tea pitchers from Costco for $20 for 2 pitchers and infuser baskets. There is something very similar at Teavana with 1 Pitcher for $20. They might actually be the same brand. Two pitchers are great; one to drink, one to brew. Tea all the time!
I do some greens as cold brews after I’ve steeped out the leaves in hot brews. Right now I am loving cold steeps with Teavivre Premium Dragonwell and Mandala Tea’s Yellow Buds. After my evening hot steeps I take the leaves and dump them in a jar, fill with cold water and stick the jar in the fridge. A day or two will steep out the last flavors and give me a nice cold tea.
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