Looking for Betjeman & Barton Pouchkine (black) sold in the U.S.
I hate to spend 23 euros from France to the U.S. and am hoping someone knows of a vendor in the U.S. who sells Pouchkine.
I don’t know any us retail or, but I know that fouvrac in Montreal carries some of their teas. You might want to try contacting them to see if they are willing to ship teas, if it is any cheaper and if they carry what you want. If they are willing to ship will you let us know how it worked out?
Here’s there Facebook site
Thank you! I contacted them through FB and they answered that they do ship to California. The person I need to speak with isn’t in just now but I will let you know the details after I’ve ordered.
That’s wonderful. It looks like they carry a lot of it too, not just a few token flavours. I saw Kusmi, compagnie colonials and some other teas in their pictures as well.
I ordered and received 200 grams from Le Fouvrac. The shipping from Canada to California was 10 canadian dollars versus 23 euros from the Betejman website. HOWEVER, the tea doesn’t taste the same as the Pouchkine I purchased at l’Heure Gourmande tea salon in Paris. The brewed tea has lighter taste, though the scent is stronger in the bag. I tried brewing 3 mins and 5 mins. Same. I just phoned them to see if perhaps their Pouchkine is not from Betejman. They said maybe it’s a different harvest. So now I ask the Tea experts on Steepster, does harvest make a difference? What might account for the difference in flavor?
They are the registered distributor for Betjeman and carry pretty well the whole line, so yes it is from Betjeman, but as to you question the flavour of the tea can very from batch to batch and can alter over time depending on how it was stored. Depending on how the base is blended the flavour of the tea can be altered by harvest date, a little like wine its flavour can be altered year on year based on the weather it grows through assuming they are from the same tea gardens. Flavour can very depending on the season. If the base as a blend the producer can try to maintain consistency in flavour by altering the recipe,but if they just take x amount of tea 1 and y of 2 than the flavour And intensity of the base can change. Variations in the flavour can happen from batch to batch. This is true even during mechanical mixing due to the variation in the amount of flavouring agent added, and again in the flavouring agent due to the reasons above if they are from a natural source. The tea could be old but one would think the scent would be weak if that were the case. Other differences in the flavour could even be the result of the water your using.
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