CLOSED: Caffeine-Free/Decaf Traveling Tea Box (US only) January 2014
I just got the box today! I will get the box turned around in a few days.
Sorry for the delay in responding. I wasn’t entirely sure when to post or what to post. Let me know if I need to provide more info about the teas I tried or the teas I put in.
Its ok, the only really important thing is letting us know when you get it an send it. Hearing about what you tasted and put in is just a little bonus that helps us feel involved while we wait :)
Good. Honestly it was a bit scary. It was my first box after all. I look forward to the chance to participate in the future. I have a lot of fun seeing what was in the box.
Okay Decaf lovers,
So here is my first experience with the Tea Box (cue dramatic music). The first thing I thought was that the box I got in the mail was some mythical creation that simply had no bottom. There was SO much tea. And the variety was awesome.
I am not good at reviewing and such but here is a list of what I tried and my thoughts.
What I tried:
Rooibos Vanilla- I had a cup of this tea with my brother. I thought the vanilla was subtle and smooth. The rooibos brewed my darker than expected but had a great flavor to it.
Mango Passion Fruit Herbal- I tried this tea two days ago in the afternoon and thought it was nice. I am typically not a mango fan but this tea surprised me.
Wild Sweet Orange- I did not try this, my brother did. He loves orange teas, I detest them. But he had a grin on his face the entire time he was drinking his cuppa tea. We can both be a bit snobbish about bagged tea but this tea might make it into his collection.
Spicy Ginger- I have not had a tea quite like this one before. I am starting to find that I like spicy teas. And the ginger was awesome. Everyone might not like this tea but it really hit the spot for me.
What was added:
2 × 1/2 oz Decaf Vanilla Black
2 × 1/2 oz Decaf Breakfast Black
2 × 1/2 oz Decaf Earl Grey Black
4 × 1/2 oz Raspberry Herbal
4 × 1/2 oz Peppermint Herbal (This will blow your mind!)
10 x Coupons for 25% off our club for the tea box participants. (If you use the code make sure you use all caps.)
I suppose that is all that I have. Oh and the box shipped out this morning heading to Sarah.
Andrew F
EDIT: Working on the formatting of the post.
I got the box! It arrived this evening. @SimpleLooseLeaf this is my first box too, and I was a little freaked out being so close to the top of the list! Thanks for going first :)
I’ll start tasting the teas tomorrow and report back!
Ok gang, here’s my report so far:
Stash Mango Passionfruit – I tried this one iced, but made it too weak. It was ok, but not really something I’d purchase.
Teavana Fig Rose – made this one iced as well, but really didn’t care for it and ended up pouring it out.
Simple Loose Leaf Decaf Earl Grey – this was my 1st Earl Grey! And probably my last, lol. The citrus oil reminds me too much of my Mrs. Meyers cleaners.
Simple Loose Leaf Decaf Breakfast is on the schedule for tomorrow morning, then I’ll make some additions to the box and send everything off to Dustin. Check out my cupboard & let me know if there’s any requests!
I’m glad you got to try some new teas. Please let us know when the box is on its merry way again.
Overall thoughts: I think there’s a lot of good variety in the box (it’s crammed full!), I’m just super picky or have weird taste buds :(
I skipped most of the black teas after figuring out I really don’t like black tea, and I know I don’t care for spicy tea so I skipped the ginger, plus I don’t like licorice so I skipped the ones that have that. I also skipped anything that was similar to what’s already in my cupboard or the pile of samples MissB sent me a while back.
This was fun, and I can definitely see why so many people do traveling tea boxes!
Here’s what I added:
1.5 oz. Teavana Spiced Apple Cider
1 oz. Butiki Peppermint Patty
0.25 oz. Harney & Sons Vanilla Comoro
0.5 oz. Harney & Sons Decaf Paris
0.5 oz. Harney & Sons Soba Roasted Buckwheat (Soba Cha)
0.5 oz. Whispering Pines Elder Grove
To the freebies bag I added:
1 bag Kusmi Tea Euphoria
1 bag Kusmi Tea Detox
9 bags Gypsy Cold Care
1 bag Tea Forte Cherry Marzipan
1 bag Tea Forte Honey Yuzu
1 bag Tea Forte Cucumber Mint
I’ll have the box on its way to Dustin this afternoon!
Ok, i got it. Make sure he gets it, and you’ll have to delete that message or anyone on the web will have access to your addresses.
I rent a mailbox at a postal business place so I’m not too worried about my address being out where folks can see it.
I’m a she, btw. My name and photo have fooled people once again! :)
It’s fine. It happens a lot online. Less frequently in real life, although I have run into situations like my insurance company refusing to cover an ultrasound when I was pregnant because they don’t cover prenatal care for guys, which is total BS is you ask me. They should totally cover care for guys when they are pregnant.
I have been going crazy with this box! I have been brewing tiny tea tasting flights with three to four teas at a time! Looks like I have already tasted everything that sounded or smelled interesting.
I have decided to keep a packet of Simple Leaf’s vanilla, H&S Paris and Roasted Buckwheat and Adiago’s tropics, jasmine and almond.
I am adding 52teas chocolate malt honeybush 1.5oz, pina colada hb 1.4oz and coconut cheesecase hb 1.4oz, Mariage Freres marco polo rouge .7oz, Teavana’s zocolatte spice 1.6oz and cocoa praline tart 1.8oz, 9bags of Mighty Leaf’s african nectar, Zhi Tea’s pecan rooibos .5oz, Republic of Tea’s pomegranate green .7oz, David’s lemon cream pie .8oz and o canada .4oz and Lupicia’s muscat 1.7oz.
The box is STUFFED! I’m planning on getting it back out in the mail tomorrow if all goes well.
Sounds like the box is getting a good variety. I’m glad you like the Adiago’s because I couldn’t wait to get rid of them. I think that jasmine nearly killed me. lol
I really liked the almond! I might try adding something with .coconut to a cup of it because those two flavors go together so well! The jasmine didn’t wow me, but I have been super stuffy which makes it hard to taste stuff and I’m hoping it grows on me. I usually really like jasmine flavored tea.
I sent it off this morning! I gave the tracking info to AlexaK, but we weren’t following each other Madametj, so I wasn’t able to PM you the info too.
As long as the box keeps moving, I’m good.
The eagle has landed! :)
Seriously. In the time it took me to get the box out 4 people have gotten it.
I’ve been following your tasting notes. Glad you’re enjoying the taste testing experience. :)
Yes! I’m almost done, promise! There’s just SO much! Anyway, I have a few more to try, my additions and trying to decide if/what I will be keeping. If I don’t get it out tomorrow, it’ll go out Saturday morning! :)
I tried the Tulsi but wasn’t taken by it. There was a lot that I tried and didn’t write a tasting note for, it was just a yes I like or no I don’t type thing.
Right, I figured people weren’t mentioning it because they didn’t like it. Hopefully it will find a home before we are done.
Man it was a mistake buying such a big tin. I think that is one of the worst teas I’ve ever tasted. And it had really good reviews on Amazon, too!!
(Not to discourage anyone later in the box! lol. I think everyone should give it at least one taste. Someone might fall in love. <3 :) )
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