Has anyone tried to grow tea?
I’ve looked around online, but haven’t come up with much success. Have any of you tried to grow Camellia Sinensis? I know it’s tedious, but I think it would be super cool to grown and then make my own tea. It would taste better knowing that I made it you know?
I’ve always been curious to try myself! Unfortunately I live in the wrong region of the world for that heh. I hope you figure something out :)
Think Tealet has started a project to have a tea plant in all 50 states.
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It will do fine if regular Camellia’s do well in your area. I’m in Western Washington and it does fine here. Raintree Nusery sells tea plants: http://www.raintreenursery.com/Tea_Breeze_Camellia_sinensis_L501.html
And there is a nursery in North Carolina that carries a selection of tea plants but I’ve not bought from them:
I found this today. Might be helpful!
Youtube has some videos on growing tea and www.davesgarden.com/ see plant file on tea/camelia-sinensis. I might get a tea plant at our local garden center this summer.
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