Marshmallow Root in Tea
I have discovered that marshmallow root in tea tastes significantly better than actual marshmallows (and doesn’t leave hard to clean sticky goo in my tea strainer) and would like some suggestions on teas you might have run into that use the root instead of the candy.
So far I have had some of 52teas marshmallow teas but that is all.
A couple of teas from Butiki uses marshmallow root. :)
ooooh, more reason to order from them next time I am buying tea :) Thank you!
Marshmallow root is definitely the ingredient I wish more tea companies would use! Sadly, I can’t think of many except for blends for Butiki and 52Teas. I especially love 52Teas Lemon Meringue Chai. Maybe you should go sign up for a reblend of that one! I swear I don’t want everyone to sign up for a reblend of that one so I can buy some. haha. :D
Hehe, maybe I will :) it has been YEARS since I had Lemon Meringue anything, I need to rectify that.
Just in case you are interested, I’ve seen marshmallow root for sale at local health food stores/bulk stores etc. I’ve been thinking about getting some and adding it to some of my teas.
Just a thought if you like it and want to tweak some teas that need a little something. :))
Good idea! The local herb store in town sells it in bulk as well, I was thinking of getting some to try and make marshmallows with it :P
I regret that for years my mom grew the plant in her garden, I even knew that it was used in making marshmallows (started in Ancient Egypt) and I never once used it. So sad
Definitely going to tweak some teas!
A few teas with marshmallow root in them:
Birthday Cake – Butiki
Irish Cream Cheesecake – Butiki
Three Friends – Butiki
S’mores! – Whispering Pines
Pineberry Honeybush – 52 Teas
Rootbeer Float Black – 52 Teas
Graveyard Mist – 52 Teas
Relax – Pukka
Get Soothed – The Republic of Tea
Throat Soother – DAVIDs
Throat Relief – Dr. Stuart
Forest Tea – Moutain Rose Herbs
5th Chakra – Mountain Rose Herbs
No. 2 Tea – Herb Essentia
The Healer Tea – New Mexico Tea Company
Organic Throat Coat – Traditional Medicinals
I picked up some marshmallow root bits at a health food store and have been adding them to teas. I highly recommend this! Really good with “sugary” teas like toffee and caramel. Probably really good with berries as well… I might have to try that soon.
Hmm… I saw it yesterday at our health food store… It was end of the jar, so it didn’t look very appealing (mostly dust left) but when they fill the jar back up I just might get some! Now I’m curious… lol
You can actually make “marshmallows” out of marshmallow root, too. They have a weird texture, and are so sweet it makes you think your teeth are instantly going to rot out of your head. A strange “roasting over the fire” experience, too. Mostly just: “caramelizing sugar…caramelizing sugar…almost done…caramelizing sugar…ON FIRE OH MY GOD IT’S BURNING OH MY GOD IT SMELLS LIKE FOREST FIRE SOMEONE HEEEEELLLLLLPPPPP!!!!” and then crumbling ashes. Not recommended. lol
I’ve never come across it in tea, though. I’m going to have to give this a try with some tea at home. Now that I think about it, it would be REALLY good, at least in theory.
Your description of the roasting experience made me laugh…a lot :P Also love the mushrooms in your icon
It all happened while I was out doing field work for my PhD. We found some marshmallow root “in the plant” (as opposed to in the flesh…) and decided to rip it up, bring it back to the kitchen at the field station, and cook up some vegan marshmallows. They were interesting. All went down-hill when we decided to roast them over open fire. Definite mistake.
The mushrooms are a type previously only known from Florida and Alabama, but I found in Ontario. So now they’re no longer known as a “tropical” species :) Made me happy. Plus the name of them is Gerronema. Sounds like they’re about to do a cannonball into a pool of dirt!
Oh very cool! Aren’t they in the Agaric family? Finding mushrooms where they don’t belong might be one of the most enjoyable parts of the hunt. When I was living in PA we had a massive flood, the aftermath brought so many fungi from farther north that I had a field day.
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