After Holiday Tea Sales
I know many people dislike Teavana and I’m right there with you…. most of the time, but they are having a 75% off sale that is awesome! I happened to enjoy their fruity/herbal teas. I received a Breville tea maker (most awesome tea accessory ever!) so I am going through toms of tea. It is so neat to not have to worry about steeping time. So far to day I’ve had 9 cups. Maybe a little excessive, but what the heck. Oh, by the way, their tins are also on sale. At $2.25 the tins are a great deal.
Last year I bought some tea and tins from them during this sale. The tins looked really pretty, but when I rinsed them out water flowed through the bottom. All I can use them for is storing tea that is in ziplocks for fear of the tea loosing flavor. I glanced at the sale teas this time, but they didn’t have any I have had before and new I liked.
Ran down there today and bought 7 teas and 2 tins. Figured, why not? Good chance to try some new teas. So far I’ve tried one and been less than impressed. :( 6 more to go…
Stopped by there today and picked up 5 new teas and 4 tins. Hopefully these are better quality than the tins you received last year Dustin! If not, then I won’t feel as bad having spent only $2.25 on them =) I really enjoy the Orange Chocolate Sweet Spice tea I picked up today. It was a steal with the 75% off. =)
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