New Year Tea Gift Package
Since I received a bit of money for the holidays I thought, it is time to do something nice for the tea community that is so awesome. I have a package all packed up and ready to go of various teas that I would like to send to someone so they can have a wonderful New Year and toasty warm winter.
First person to claim it gets it :) all I ask is that whoever claims this surprise bundle of tea be in the US since shipping is too high to go outside the country.
I would love it if you’re willing to ship to a new tea lover! I just got into tea about a month ago and would love to try some new stuff :)
That would be great! Hopefully you will find some new teas you like. Just follow me and send me your address and I can get it in the mail tomorrow
(I should also mention that I will be glad to pay-it-forward once my tea collection is a bit larger!)
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