Lupicia Happy Bags - 2014
Is anyone planning on picking up any of the happy bags? If so, would love to hear what people received in them this year. :)
I only see these for sale on LupiciaUSA no Europe shipping I checked site the but do not see the sale bags there.
Is it a mystery bag type thing?
yes, though it’s 50% off. So a $30 bag will have $60 worth of tea (and maybe tea ware).
If you are interested you can see what people got last year in this thread:
I returned home from a New Year’s Eve party just about the time the Fukubukuro went on sale (midnight PST = 2 a.m. here in Texas). I ordered a $30 bag, same as last year, along with $30 worth of other teas I’d amassed in my shopping cart so as to get free shipping. Although I think it’s more cost effective in the long run to buy teas you actually want, the Happy Bags are fun because of the surprise factor — and you usually find a new tea or two that you really like. (It also ensures my monthly magazine subscription for another year!)
I just hope I don’t get another silly little tea ball…
I had forgotten about them until I saw this post. Fortunately (unfortunately? Haha) they are still available and I ordered a $60 bag. I wasn’t thrilled with my $30 bag last year but I did enjoy the experience. So perhaps against my better judgement I ordered one again. Perhaps I’ll sell off some of them if I get some teas I already know I don’t like.
I completely forgot! I may need to swing by my two local Lupicia stores to see if they have any left.
I want one but I don’t think I can justify 30 bucks on it. I wish they had a 15 dollar box. Gah!
In looking at the content of the previous bags I’m gonna go for it and get myself a 30 buck bag. I was honestly more concerned with getting stuck with another teapot or teaware because we’re stuck for space. If I’m getting all tea I can stash it away SOMEWHERE. And if the teaball comes, then so be it. I’ll keep it in my lunch bag for work.
It seems like they are a total tease because they let you pick Canada and the province in the shopping cart, but don’t ship internationally.
I would totally drop $30 on a bag. :p
i can always get one through sharon if you are still interested. Working from home tomorrow so you can poke me then. I can likely add tea myself to the order to hit the free shipping threshold too
I totally went for this even though I don’t need any more tea… So I guess this will be instead of Teavivre order that I planned to make on my payday in a few days :P
Just bumping this to see if anyone picked one up and what was in it since they are still available on the site.
Still haven’t gotten a shipping notification on mine. C’mon Lupicia, it’s been a week!
I purchased one, and it supposed to be delivered to my house tonight. I’m still waiting on the package, though, since I’m unlucky with UPS deliveries.
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