Is there a way of buying from DavidsTea if I'm not from Canada or USA?

Hello, tea lovers!
I am from Italy, and got really interested in all the very intriguing teas from DavidsTea. The problem is they don’t ship outside Canada or USA. I was wondering if there was a way of buying their teas from my little corner of world.
Thank you everyone, and have a good day! :)

8 Replies
Dustin said

Have a friend in a country they ship to buy it and mail it to you? Check with customs first on the rules for importing tea. It would be a shame to go through so much effort to get it if they aren’t going to let it through customs.

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Federico, If things haven’t changed, I believe Davids Tea will ship to Europe but you must contact them first. Just go to the customer service tab on their website and explain your request. They usually reply pretty quickly. Good luck :-)

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Thank you for your replies!
Are you sure the will ship to Europe even though it’s explicitly said they don’t ship overseas here: ?

A friend of mine ordered from Belgium about 3 years ago and that’s how she proceeded. But as I said, things might have changed. Best way to find out for sure is still to write a few words just in case they can make any exceptions :-)

Thank you very much! I’ll definitely give it a try :)

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Nerys said

Hi FT , If you are able to order from Europe can you post about it here.

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I’m willing to be a tea middle-man if reimbursed.

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beebusy said

Hi there fellow tea lovers!

I am completely new, so sorry if this is not the right place for that.
I am from Austria (in Europe) and wanted to order from Davids Tea, but found out they don’t ship to Europe at all.
So I wanted to ask if there is someone in US/Canada who is willing to be a tea middle-man? ;) I will gladly pay all the expenses this person has for ordering and sending the tea to me. :)
I would also be happy for any recommendations on which teas to get at DAVID’s TEA!

Thanks a lot in advance and may you tea taste great today!

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