Silly gaiwan brewing for one question.

So, I’ve noticed gaiwan sets usually come with 2 cups that are smaller than the amount brewed. If your brewing for one, do you find a bigger cup? Or leave the brewed amount in the brewing pitcher until your ready to pour again?

7 Replies

I really think it depends on the person. I always leave the remainder in the sharing pitcher until I am ready to pour some more. The smaller the amount of tea in your cup, the more you savor and appreciate! :)

Doesn’t it cool down faster though? I guess that’s what I’m worried about haha. I’m a little ocd about weird things like this

It does cool down faster, but not fast enough that it is no longer hot when you go to get another cup. From my experience, sharing pitchers do a fairly good job of keeping small amounts of tea hot long enough to refill a cup or two. :) What does your sharing pitcher look like? Is it more open than enclosed? (Or should I say… more like a gravy boat or more like a little tea pot with no lid?)

I haven’t bought one yet , just lurking. But, I will buy one this week. I have been using a pyrex measuring cup in the mean time haha

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tperez said

I usually pour my gaiwan into the serving pitcher and refill my cup a few times. Some pitchers will let the tea cool too fast (i.e. I have a thin metal cream server that I used to use as a pitcher) but a porcelain/ceramic pitcher keeps the tea warm enough to drink it all down.

You could just use a bigger cup, but I feel like the tiny gongfu cups are part of the experience. I think some people just use a smaller gaiwan or pot, say under 90mL for one person. (Too much pouring for me, lol)

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I don’t have a sharing pitcher. When drinking by myself, I use a small glass. But if I’m sharing the tea I use a smaller measuring cup. Works just fine.

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TeaVivre said
I usually pour the liquor into the serving pitcher, then pour the brewed tea into each teacup equally to enjoy with friends, and we can drinking all the brewed tea. If i drinking tea at office with myself, i would choose a bigger cup.

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