Christmas Gifts All Around!
So, what are you anticipating tea wise for Christmas? If you’ve already opened gifts, how was your haul with regards to tea? I want to here about Christmas!
This morning, I woke up and noticed that in my bedroom (which my parents have started using as storage, apparently, as there are hundreds of boxes stacked up in it), and I noticed one of the boxes had a Teavana logo on the side. It was a pretty sizable box, so I got excited it might mean I receive one of the tetsubins I’ve been eying. Then I realized it was an old box of mine from a long time ago. I’m still holding out hope!
I’m planning on gifting my best friend, my mom, and my dad tea, but I’m waiting to put in an order on Boxing Day. I’m hoping for some sales. I’m a bad gifter, I suppose.
I haven’t opened all gifts yet, but so far I got a cusinart electric kettle. It’s a bit large and unsightly on the counter. . .especially since it’s big enough to serve tea to an army and I’m just one person. lol. But, I absolutely love it nonetheless. Water heats up so fast. I can’t use the boil setting (I tried) because it will boil and never beep to say it is done or enter the “keep warm” mode that is just under a boil (because water doesn’t reach 212 here). There are a lot of places above sea level, so how come all the electric kettles assume we all live on the beach? haha. oh well.
My daughter gave me a Cuisinart kettle and I love it. No problems with the boil setting, but I live at about 160 ft above sea level
I’m about 7200 ft above. Water boils between 195-200, usually closer to 200. I can use the 200 setting on the kettle and it will beep, but it still won’t keep warm under a boil. But that’s ok b/c I don’t need that feature. :)
I bought myself holiday tea earlier this month. Does that count?
David’s Teas ~ Santa’s Secret, Alpine Punch, Coffee Cake, Gingerbread, and White Chocolate Frost / Della Terra- Caramel Oolong
Very merry and yummy-looking selection! I hope you’ll rate them once you’ve tried each…
My boyfriend’s mother gave me a box of unflavored rooibos… And I don’t drink rooibos… Well, it’s the thought that counts :D haha.
No christmas gifts this year. Just a day to relax with my other half, drinking tea and playing board games.
My parents were pretty happy about their individualized ‘25 Days of Tea’ boxes that I made for them! They both drank their December 25th teas right after opening the boxes!
My mother made me another beautiful quilted mug rug. She also gave me some amazing tea themed fabric, which she is going to make a quilt out of for me. :) Aside from that, most of my tea related presents, I won’t be receiving until I get back to New York and have Friends-mas.
The 25 Days of Tea boxes:
Individual envelopes for December 25th teas:
The fabric:
The new mug rug:
I have a bunch more pictures of my mother’s handmade mug rugs on my tumblr, if you’d like to see them. :)
No tea, but a friend knitted a mug cozy for me~
I gave my sister one of those cute ceramic pots from Macy’s and some of Della Terra’s Spiced Sugar Plum.
I got one of those Teavana steeper things! Exciting because my old Harney’s tea for one pot broke a while ago. My secret someone at school also got me a really pretty box of tea, mostly unflavored blacks and greens. But mostly this christmas I got clothing and Doctor Who books… so I consider it well spent.
No tea, but my mom bought me a ninja tea mug that came with a mask (mug cozy), a katana (stirring spoon) and a ninja star (to keep hot drinks off of my desk).
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