Adding and updating tea.
Hello all!
Just a quick thought that I wanted to share with others. As I was trying a new tea this morning (Pineapple Upside Down Cake) I realized I didn’t know how long to steep it but there in the Steepster tea description was suggested brewing time. Couldn’t help but think, "Maybe other people go through this too and
perhaps it would be really nice if we all made sure to add this to the description. I know when I first got to Steepster there were really no rules on what to post in the description but maybe something like this should be added to each description.
Suggested brewing tips:
- Serving Size:
- Water Temp:
- Steep Time:
I generally put that in my tasting note but not everyone likes tea prepared the same way and sometimes the manufacturers instructions are flat out wrong so it’s hard to say. Personally I check other’s reviews and possibly the original website and go with my standard-for-me times and temps. But I will admit that this method is hit or miss. Are you thinking of organizing a big redo?
This is a good point too! Which would make it more complicated. I know, for example, that most of the time places like Teavana just use a general steep time. 1-2 white, 3-4 green. 4-5 black. Or something like that. I’m not thinking of a big redo yet. But maybe something like that would be nice. Where people put in what time they steeped it for and this appears closer to the top. And it tracks the average steep time. Something like that
I put whatever the recommended steeping times the company lists on the tea page, however many are just plain missing – like Herbal Infusions, for instance. It would be great to see, like on other review sites, the ‘top’ reviews and their steeping parameters, and then the less happy reviewers, and their steeping parameters. Or even these things as a parameter in the actual tea logs (serving size – so oz of water and size of scoop).
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