Great Pregnancy Teas
I am tired of my usual caffeine-free staple, Chamomile and Lavender, and I have drank my way through 4 boxes of Traditional Medicine’s pregnancy teas…
Any suggestions for smooth, light, naturally caffeine-free teas? I would prefer it if they were easier to find, super market varieties, but I wouldn’t mind a jaunt into the tea shop in town.
This comes up occasionally and the best idea is always to talk to your doc. Some ingredients in herbals are not advised while pregnant – chamomile is one of them. Something about iron. St. John’s Wort is also to be avoided, raspberry leaf in the first trimester is bad and obviously most docs suggest avoiding caffeine. Everything in moderation should do you fairly well though. Trust your judgment and your doctor and you should be fine.
Hmm. I was more looking for suggestions from other women who came across a nice tea while they were pregnant, or knew of any particular nice herbal blends. My midwife has okay-ed all the herbal varieties for me; they are usually a no-no because they can induce miscarriage in the first trimester, but I am 33 weeks along, so I will be fine.
If you’ve been okayed for all herbals then it’s really up to your taste. I’m not pregnant but I happen to enjoy mint (on it’s own or as an addition), lemon myrtle, etc. Both mint and lemon tend to taste pretty similar if you’re using loose or bagged, and are pretty light and cheap. I do find that mint can give me heartburn if I drink too much (multiple cups a day) so you might want to watch out for that if you’re prone to heartburn but it’s otherwise my fave. :)
The main thing my midwife had me drinking after the 1st trimester was raspberry leaf. During the last month she had me add a few drops of mistletoe tincture (helps to thin the cervix). My youngest is 21, so I can’t really comment on tea blends, as there weren’t too many available back in the ‘dark ages’, lol.
Raspberry leaf is up there. If I remember correctly rooibos and honeybush are recommended during pregnancy.
No pregnancies so far for me (congratulations to you!), but I don’t handle caffeine well at all so I only drink herbals or decaf. I’m not sure how your tastes run, and I’m super new to tea so I don’t have a lot of personal recommendations, but if you like chocolate, fruit, or dessert teas you may want to check out my Steepster Shopping List, it’s full of caffeine free teas that were recommended to me by other Steepster peeps in this thread []. I have samples on the way so I haven’t been able to try everything yet, but so far I really like Celestial Seasonings Candy Cane Lane. Did not care for Harney & Sons Soba Buckwheat, and Della Terra’s Lemon Chiffon was good but not amazing, but I’ll read tasting notes for those and see if preparing them differently makes it better.
Hope that helps!
Do you like lemon? I have an on again off again relationship with lemongrass. But when I love it, I really love it!!
Ooh, I will definitely pick up a lemongrass tea. I have been having a love affair with those grassier teas…I can’t get enough alfafa and raspberry leaf based teas right now.
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