Does anyone have any experience with this travel tumbler from Teavana?
Was this a good buy?
I feel like I may have made a bad purchase since you need to remove the infuser, unlike the aladdin which does not require such a burdensome task.
i don’t know about that one, but if you end up still in need of one with an infuser you don’t remove but also doesn’t oversteep tea, i just got a copco tea thermal, the stainless steel one. its design is the one that makes the most sense to me (you twist the lid a certain way so the infuser basket holes close); the aladdin looks cool but i always figured it was a little too fiddly with a greater likelihood of the hanging basket mechanism failing eventually (the copco, you put the infuser right in the mug first and then put the leaves in and pour).
Oh my god, that sounds brilliant! I can still refuse the UPS shipment to my door and give teavana the cold shoulder. Do you know any Canadian tea retailers that sell this at a fairly inexpensive price?
By the way, could you give me a quick review of how you like your tumbler? Is it leak proof, how long does it retain the temperature, and does it leave a funny taste?
Thanks for your awesome and very helpful reply!
You’d probably be better off accepting the package and returning the item. I know for a fact Teavana resends returned packages, as I just discussed that issue with them.
i only just got it literally today actually, so i haven’t used it enough out in the wild to give a good review…i usually take tea tumblers out saturday morning while doing errands though, so i will try my best to report back sometime after tomorrow’s jaunts. crossing my fingers it works out because yeah, i find it frustrating how i only know of two tumblers that let you leave the infuser basket in without oversteeping. some of the reviews on amazon make me nervous, but i’ve learned a lot of times for kitchen-y gear reviews are all over the place and then i find whatever item it is doesn’t cause half the problems people mention, so…hopefully!
as for where to find it in canada, i’m not sure as i’m in the US. i will do some sniffing though, ‘cause i know copco’s infuser tumblers are available in the UK or used to be, so…
EDIT: here it is:
this was the review that got me interested in it:
and it links to another unfavorable review but that individual’s issues with it wouldn’t bother me personally (i don’t add stuff to my tea, etc.) so i didn’t take it into consideration.
i meant to say earlier too, in case it was unclear, i don’t know of any tumbler that keeps the infuser in without oversteeping and is also not plastic-lined. :( just a heads up if plastic is entirely out as an option for you. all of the attributes one wishes for in a single tumbler—retains heat crazy well, no plastic, leaves infuser in without oversteeping, doesn’t leak, durable/somewhat spillproof, can be sipped from without taking a lid off, gives enough room for leaves expand, easy to wash—don’t seem to exist in a single one maybe due to the pros and cons of different materials for different things. i doubt this will keep tea warm like a vacuum thermos would, but am ok with that personally because i drink my tea on the go within an hour or so anyway.
i already have the hourglass steeper that you flip from zen tea (a canadian company!) and like it but am trying to figure out a way to hack it—it would work perfectly at infusing without oversteeping (you flip it when it’s done infusing so the water doesn’t reach the infuser basket anymore) except you’ve still got to remove the infuser basket anyway to avoid sipping leaves. if there was some sort of round flat top filter you could screw on or was hinged to close on top of the infuser basket once you’ve put the leaves in and screwed it closed they wouldn’t get in your mouth. i wish someone would make something like that for it as a mod…
Hmm, I think as long as it is leak proof, keeps the tea at least warm, and leaves the infuser in without over-steeping I will be happy :).
OK, update: when I first took it apart yesterday and washed it out I got wary because I could definitely see how some of the negative reviews might be spot on…the steeper basket is tiny even as these things go (it’s smaller than the one in the hourglass flip tumbler Zen Tea sold me, and that one’s not really large); I put Queen Catherine in there which is not a CTC but also isn’t particularly fluffy and it was a tight fit to put 16oz worth of leaf in there even dry. :/ Also, the complaints about the way the steeper basket just sort of needs to be pushed hard and tight into the lid are true, and I actually gave myself a small cut on the rim of the metal basket because its edges are sharpsharp thin metal (gotta be careful!). I also definitely can see how the piece on the lid that snaps to cover the drinking spout a) can easily break at any moment, it’s pretty flimsy b) likely isn’t reliably leakproof (you can see it here: ). So I was feeling let down before even trying it. :/ THAT SAID, today when I filled it with hot water and steeped it, some of that was allayed—at least for now it actually is leakproof (I know because there was some left after going out, still very very hot, so I just screwed off the entire lid/infuser upon returning home and placed it on my kitchen counter upside down…was sure tea would leak but it didn’t). That said I would definitely not be comfortable just tossing it in a bag; the snap that closes the drinking hole cover doesn’t have any kind of reassuring snappy tightness, but just sort of slides in place in a way that makes me believe if it bumped against something it’d slide open. Also, the infuser closing mechanism does work as designed, but first you have to learn where exactly to align the basket holes when you connect it to the lid or it won’t close up right (not a big deal, but also not explained in the tiny little guide that comes with it). I did still enjoy the taste of my tea, but I would never even try to steep fluffy long oolongs…this seems best or even only for stubbier brisk black teas (or even a couple tea bags, so you don’t have to dispose of them on the go).
It is comfortable to hold, warm but not hothot (a plus over the hourglass tumbler). It kept my tea plenty hot, but then I’m the sort of person who only uses one on trips or errands and finds Thermos and Timolino-type tumblers TOO good at keeping it hot—I like to be able to start drinking my tea within 30 minutes of putting the tumbler together. The sip hole is the type where you sort of have to slurp it up, which is a recipe for a burnt tongue if it stays hot too long. I don’t doubt it’d keep tea pleasantly hot/warm at least 2 hours, but that’s just according to my preferences.
tl;dr: Not a good choice if you need a tumbler leakproof enough you can toss in a bag with other stuff, but won’t leak if you’re just, like, keeping it in your car holder. Not a good choice if you primarily want to drink long fluffy loose teas like oolongs, the infuser is quite small.
BTW, I finally found another option BUT it’s craaaaazy expensive. It seems absolutely perfect though so I’ll at least mention it—there’s a tumbler from China (product number FG-3100 on places like Ali Express) that is a lot like the Eight Cranes Perfect Steeper but with all of its problems fixed—it’s stainless steel so no risk of exploding glass, it’s 12oz instead of 8oz, aaaand after you’ve flipped the tumbler to stop it steeping, the steeping basket gets screwed to the bottom and what was the lid on the bottom can go on the top to seal your just made tea. The infuser chamber is the biggest I’ve seen, perfect for oolongs etc. And the “leftover tea in the infuser chamber is dry and sealed up in the bottom” design means you can then resteep as much as you like on the go, just adding water. I am super in love with it BUT it’s only available in non-wholesale quantities (as far as I can find anyway) from Dragon Tea House on ebay for…drumroll…over $65. Ugggggh.
link here:
Thank you so much for doing such a detailed review! It seems like the aladdin essential infuser is the best way to go so far :/
No prob! I am such a wind bag! (:
Yeah, I’m guessing the Aladdin’s basket is similarly tiny based on pics of it I’ve seen…but if it’s bumpably leakproof it’d have that over the Copco. I get the feeling both have similar “looks like the plastic mechanisms for steeping and sipping could break at any time” issues, alas.
Davidstea has the same one, just in more fun colours. I own 2 small versions of this mug, and a large one (the one you purchased) and they are all my favorite. Very good for keeping tea hot all day. I would get another but I think I would be in trouble. They are super leak proof and the infuser works pretty well, but if I really want to brew tea properly I do it in my steeper and then put it into the mug.
The tumbler looks great but I’m just worried that tea leaves will end up in my mouth since there is nothing stopping the leaves from floating to the drinking area. A lot of people have made this complaint about this particular travel mug in their reviews. Also, having to take out the brewing basket prevents me from reusing the tea leaves for a second run, which really stinks for me. Any ways around this? Thanks for your reply!
Timolino’s are great. I have a full 8hr day at school and my tea stays warm that entire time. With the basket you’re suppose to take it out so you don’t over steep the tea. For some people this works, others not so much. I have the largest timolino so I brew my tea in the morning and it usually lasts me through the end of my day. I’ll resteep my leaves when I get home for a second or third cup of tea.
But when you’re at school where do you put your basket? Or do you simply brew at home and leave the basket there as well before going to school?
By the way, I would like to thank everyone for their comments and insight. It is much appreciated. Keep em comin! :)
ifjuly, I’m interested in your review as well. Also, how deep into the mug does your steeping basket go? is there any doubt that it would “reach” enough of the water? I love the Timolinos from David’s, but (and this especially the case with the smaller version, and not an issue at all with the larger one), I find the steeping basket rather short. The larger one has a much deeper basket, which is wonderful.
i’m guessing based on the closing mechanism of this one it’s got to be pretty shallow—it has to prevent excess water from sitting in the infuser chamber when you switch it to closed. a bunch of the reviews mention it’s not quite roomy enough for fluffier/nicer tea leaves, but i’m not surprised by that—it’s hard to provide enough steeping room in something that has to somehow stop making contact with the water and leave most of the water for you to drink, if that makes sense. i’m hoping that isn’t a huge issue for me as i tend to make brisk smaller breakfast blend-type teas for on the go (the hourglass steeper i have from zen tea’s basket isn’t tiny but is pretty small too, and i’ve enjoyed many trips with queen catherine in it, ha). if i had to use my tumbler to drink stuff like oolong away from home at work (i work from home) i’d probably just figure out how to have a little brewing station at my desk. but that’s just me.
i remember your timolino “basket too shallow” issue! it reminded me of the ingenuity of the takeya flash chill pitchers—the infuser basket for that thing is craaaaazy deep, pretty much reaching the very bottom of the pitcher. love that thing!
LOL yeah I was quite vocal about that particular rissue! and I’m going to check out that pitcher you spoke of—I’ve not yet attempted making any cold steeps, but this sounds like it would be great for that! and in my opinion, all good baskets should nearly reach the bottom of any vessel :D
I was actually researching something like this the other week, I came across Libre Tea tumblers. There is two ways to use…but the main point is that there is two filters, so you can drink your tea still with the filter maintaining it. To steep you can flip it or steep within the water.
Though, it is a glass interior and durable poly exterior. So assuming it doesn’t keep warm for long periods, though it is pretty to show off your tea.
I have a timolino almost the same as the Teavana. I love it for my long days it keeps my tea hot, and my used tea leaves I dump it in a small tin that I have and then when I need to I re use it or steep a whole new tea in general.
Hope this helps!
ifjuly, the tumbler from China that you linked to sounds perfect. As in I’m really trying to exercise some insane self-control by not purchasing it immediately!
Hey guys, check out this tea maker from the same eBay company as the one linked by ifjuly. It looks kinda neat but its all plastic, and they don’t specify if it’s bpa free.
Edit 1: Oh, and here is a cheaper glass version of the same flip infuser (44.99 USD instead of 66.99)
Keep in mind the glass version, as far as I know, does not let you screw the finished infuser basket to the bottom to seal it. It’s also 8oz instead of 12oz and there’ve been reports of the glass shattering/exploding due to pressure or thermal shock. Just a heads up!
That other one, aside from the plastic issue and assuming it is leakproof, looks awesome for the price, a better designed Copco+Libre. Hmmm…!
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