whats your fav way to drink tea?
Is it Cold/Iced, Hot plain, with sugar, without etc… Right now I’m in love with making my Toffee Crunch Roobois into a Tea Latte. =D
I drink most of my tea hot and plain. Some teas get the tiniest bit of milk and honey. I save leftover tea and make it cold. I drink that as iced tea sometimes on the weekend.
hot and plain. OCCASIONALLY I’ll add milk or a tiny bit of sugar, and I will make myself a tea latte for cozying down with a movie sometimes, but 99% of the time it’s hot and plain.
hot and sometimes spiked i guess i make it as hot as my stove can go but then i have to wait 40 minutes or so because the tea is too hot and hurts my mouth .then i have to slam it really fast before it goes bath water on me. might add maybe a half shot of whiskey to mask the taste of city water if 40 min of steepin didnt work
definitely depends on time of year. when it’s really cold and dark in the middle of winter i tend to like strong or rich black teas, or flavored black teas, sometimes with milk added. in the summer i keep a huge stash of coldsteeped green tea in the fridge at all times and drink it unadulterated like water (laoshan bilochun green BLEW MY MIND all last summer, yum!). in the fall the likelihood i’ll start wanting fall-themed (think warm spices, pumpkin, cider, etc.) flavored dessert teas is high. in the spring i like whites, green oolongs, and the occasional blooming tea.
i almost never add sugar to tea. used to sometimes, now i pretty much only do if i’m drinking something where the label directions recommend doing it to make so and so flavor come out more (so Butiki stuff, hee). getting away from milk more and more too. not sure why, guess my tastes are just changing. i keep hearing from steepsters that smokier stuff does well with a tinge of maple syrup though, still need to try that out…
I definitely prefer hot tea, but, I have been drinking a lot more iced tea than I used to. I still don’t drink it iced more than hot, but, I’m finding myself wanting a pitcher of iced tea in my fridge at all times to drink with my meals now.
I usually don’t sweeten a tea. I used to, but, I weaned my palate off of the sweet stuff because I figured I didn’t really need it nor did the tea. However, occasionally, with a flavored tea, I will add a small amount of raw sugar to it to it because I find that this amplifies the flavors. If I have trouble finding the flavor that I want out of a tea, I find that a small amount of sugar (about 1/4 of a teaspoon – 1/2 a teaspoon) will do the trick. And on a very rare occasion, I’ll add a pinch of salt to a tea that might do well with it (like a bacon flavored tea or a popcorn flavored tea.)
For a chai, that’s a whole different thing. I find that the spices taste fuller, more well-rounded and just … better when I add a little bit of either honey or raw sugar. I don’t always add milk to a chai, though, I’ll taste it first to see if I want to go latte with it.
I normally prefer hot tea and always plain; no milk or sugar. My wife drinks a lot of iced tea, especially in the summer but again straight with no milk or sugar.
Lately we have found we are preferring iced green teas, especially cold brewed iced teas. Most iced tea in the US is black so I’m curious how many others like iced green teas?
David @ Dominion Tea
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