Zeks said

Negative Comments (BUG)

For some reason I have a negative number of comments in my note and those comments are inaccessible. See screenshot below

9 Replies
Angrboda said

That looks weird! Have you emailed Jason about it?

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Zeks said

The contents of the note were removed by me btw, as they have no relation to the bug :)

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Sil select said

haha i thought you meant mean comments by the title of this thread… heh not actually negative number :) that’s funny

Zeks said

That’s why I added (BUG) in the title :) Because I immediately realized that it looks like its about mean comments to pretty much anyone (including myself) at first glance

keychange said

Haha that’s what I thought too. I was like “Oooh some badassery on steepster?” haha.

TeaLady441 said

Yep. Guilty – I was peeking to see if there was drama! :P

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Uniquity said

Steepster has become Reddit! Downvotes aplenty! :)

Definitely weird though. But kind of neat!

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ifjuly said

Wait, were they negative before you deleted them? Because I’ve seen that, but it was always when someone had deleted their own comments…

Zeks said

I have not deleted anything :)

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