Pot and Cup size
I’m sure there have been discussions similar but I’m lazy today…
How much tea do you normally brew at once and what size drinking vessel do you sip from?
My normal is to brew about 10 ounces (300ml) in a French Press and then pour all of it into a 12oz mug.
By the way, if you Google typical cup size by country – the results are, ahem, interesting ;)
most of the time i brew in glass tepot 200ml and my cup must be 6 to 8 oz . i didn’t measure
Haha, typical cup size.
Anyway, I used to brew only in a 8 ounce tea infuser mug, and that was fine, but the tea always got cold. What I liked about it though is that you can brew a lot of infusions in it without feeling guilty you brewed too much tea to make a second infusion.
Now, though, I’ve found a set I’m happier with. I bought a little tiny (adorable, it has cats on it) porcelain tea pot with an infuser. it brews exactly 16 ounces, and the cups hold 4 ounces, so it holds 2 real cups of tea and 4 teacups of tea. It has a baffling 6 cups that came with it, which doesn’t make sense, because it’s a pot that definitely can only be used by one or two people.
I’m greatly considering purchasing a small tetsubin, because I like the idea of keeping my teapot a bit warmer as I don’t necessarily drink very fast. I’m hoping Christmas pulls through for me and I get a bit of cash to spend on it.
You could always get one of those electric mug warmer/plates to keep your mug of tea warm, or the teapot if it’d fit on the base. That’s what I use when I’m on the computer.
Or knit/sew a cozy for the teapot?
I have a 24 oz. teapot and a 15 oz. mug. I get two pours for my mug for a whole pot, obviously. But if I am drinking a tea that resteeps well, I brew it directly in the mug a few times. The mug and teapot have an interchangeable infuser!
I typically brew in either a 5 oz gaiwan or a ~4oz yixing teapot. The cups I use are 1.7 oz. :) This is my favorite way of enjoying tea.
For blended teas, which, I have on occasion, I use large Western teapot or tetsubin (about 24 oz or so) and/or a 12 oz infuser mug.
At work I have a 14 ounce Alice in Wonderland mug and a 12 ounze perfect tea mug. They are great because I don’t have a lot of time for making fresh tea so the larger quantity gets me through a longer period of time.
At home, the beau and I fill our 24 ounce pot 3/4 full and use my beloved 8 ounce latte mugs most of the time.
When I brew gongfu I use my glass double walled cups that hold 2 ounces.
I also have teacups that hold 3 or 4 ounces but the tea cools off so fast and it annoys me to have to keep pouring, so they are used less.
It just depends on the context, I guess.
For most things I use a 16 oz gravity infuser, brew 8-10 oz cups, and then use 8-12 oz mugs. When I use my gaiwan, I have adorable 3 oz ladybug cups I’ll use. Cold steeps are typically done in a 16 oz amount.
And then I have larger teapots and the like for company.
I mostly use a 12oz mug with an infuser. I have a collection of teapots that only get used when I have company over or if I’m up late studying and will be drinking many cups of tea. One tea pot in particular I found at the local flea market from a woman who travels around the world purchasing teapots to resell at the flea market. It’s a really neat glazed teapot from Japan that matches a jewelry box I purchased in Kyoto a number of years ago.
I drink out of a variety of different sized vessels depending what I am drinking. I have one 24 oz and one 32 oz tea pot that I use sometimes but I prefer to make a fresh cup so I mostly use brew baskets right in the mug. At home when I drink tea (black, green, oolong, or white) I will use an 8 oz mug. In the evenings when drinking herbals/tisanes/rooibos I use 10 oz mugs. At work I drink out of travel mugs, usually 12 or 16 oz, depending on the type of travel mug. When I drink green tea after lunch, I use a 4 oz teacup. It is all a bit complicated but that’s how I do it.
3 infusions gong fu style to fill a 10 oz. mug for pu erh. If I use the yixing most of the pots I have will fill the same cup in one brewing. I always use 10 to 15 grams depending on what I break off the cake.
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