iPhone tea timer app for re-steeping tea

Hey guys,

I hope this is allowed here…

I made a tea timer app for iPhone/iPod specifically for re-steeping tea (it’s called Re-Steep). I built the app for myself since I drink a lot of Pu-erh, but I thought others might get some use out of it. It doesn’t have any of the fancy tea cataloging other apps have – it’s just a timer, but a really good one.

It will remember how many infusions you’ve made in the current session so you won’t forget. Also, each new infusion starts from the timer of the last infusion, so you can quickly increase the timer for the next steep.

You can view a demo video here: http://resteep.com

I have some promo codes I can give out so you can try the app for free. If anyone is interested, follow me on Steepster so I can message them to you (otherwise someone else may grab them).

If you want, you can follow the app on Twitter @resteep: http://twitter.com/resteep


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