keychange said

Do you have a system of attack for bF orders?

I’ve ordered, like, twenty teas or so in a frenzied bf rush, and now I wonder how it is I’m going to go about drinking them. What are you doing? Tearing everything open savagely and at once so you can dig into all of them whenever you want? drink some down and then break into your new stash?
See, it’s tough. Because I also don’t want my new bf teas to make me neglect all my old and current loves that will probably end up getting shoved to the back of the shelf in favour of all the new, shiny tea. This just all feels so out of control (but possibly in a good way—you know how it goes).

6 Replies
Uniquity said

I used to open everything and sniff/taste it all at once but now I tend to open each tea as I am interested in trying it. That still might have all the teas opened at once, or it could be a couple weeks or even months before I get the urge to try a certain one. I feel a little better about leaving things sealed until I am using them, but it is all up to your preference, really.

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Sil select said

i don’t treat BF orders any different than my other orders. Samples go into the sample box; anything i’m dying to have right away goes into my cupboard and the rest go into my shelf of unopened tea until i feel the need to open it or i make room for more in my regular cupboards heh

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Dr Jim said

I gave about half of the tea to my wife to wrap up for Christmas. I’m hard to buy for and this is a gift she knows I’ll love. I’m slowly working through the others with a new tea every day or two.

This is what I do. I have some sample sizes that will be stocking stuffers and then some larger quantity teas that will be Christmas gifts from my husband. At first I thought this would bother him, but he was grateful that I went ahead and chose teas I knew I would enjoy.

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keychange said

Good ideas. I also make sure that if I really don’t like a tea, I’m not going to try and force myself to drink down the rest, especially if I’ve got a lot left. Into the swap pile it goes!

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I go through each order individually and double check that everything that I ordered was sent. I’ve had a few missing and damaged items among my orders so I’ve started a list of who I need to contact tomorrow.

Then I move on to any of the teas that were a restock. Those get opened immediately and put in the proper tins. I’m super excited my Rishi order came in, I’ve been really missing their teas since I’ve been out for months.

After that I separate out the items that were gifts, wrap them, and put them in the guest room. This gets done immediately so I avoid temptation.

Samples that were sent get thrown into my sample box and I set aside any teas that aren’t packaged for long term storage. Those will get sipped down first. I’m going to try really hard not to have a ton of different teas opened at once this time so I’m only allowing myself 2 open packages from the new orders at a time. If after a few cups I don’t love it I’ll put it in my swap box that way it can go to someone who will appreciate it more than me.

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