SURPRISE GIFT BOX!!!! (pay it forward initiative)
UPDATE: There are now 6 entries and 6 gift box givers!!
Thanks everyone, all participants are now guaranteed something :-)
I will pm everyone by the end of the day tomorrow dec 5th to announce the results of the draw and let you know who you are paired with so you can follow each other and exchange address details.
In the spirit of the Holidays, I have prepared a surprise gift box for Steepster.
Trusting and knowing poeple here are honest folks, this is what I have in mind if some of you are interested of course.
Despite all the issues and hard times I am struggling with this year, I still believe I have a lot to be thankful for and want to pay it forward.
So if you are a little too tight to buy tea this season, or if there is such a person in your entourage that would benefit from this, it would be my pleasure to offer a tea box, mostly flavoured teas I just have too much of or not fond of. There will also be a few straight teas. I don’t have the will to list them all, so it will be a real surprise!
Again, since I’m offering this to bring a little joy to someone who can’t afford much tea, I trust people’s honesty.
I’m paying for shipping also, so I will have to limit the offer to Canada and USA, I do apologize to our international Steepsterites :-(
I do realize you might not want your name to be mentioned on this thread, so if you want to enter just follow me if you don’t already and send a PM to let me know you are interested. If there’s more than one entry, I will make a draw under the very strict supervision of Doberman Dexter, Kitty Happy & Kitty Pixelle.
Enter before december 5th so it can get to you before x-mas :-)
(Should there be no entry, I will donate the box to my community centre )
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
I wouldn’t mind having a cheerful box of tea this holiday season, sadly being unemployed because my stupid health means any money I manage to come up with will be going to try to buy/make gifts for people, so no new tea for me.
Also this is totally awesome, I am going to have to do one of these when I can afford it, so nice!
Yay! You are officially the first contestant Amanda, good luck! I am now following you and will PM the winner on dec.5th.
Sorry about your misfortunes…hope things will get better soon. As for the pay it forward thing, that’s what it’s all about :-)
I’d love to offer up my own surprise gift box as well. Feel free to add and message me TheTeaFairy, and I’ll donate one to person #2 in your draw.
Oh, MissB, I’m so happy about that :-) Another Steepster member has also offered the same, so I encourage any members to join in if they can afford to. I will PM you who person# 3 is, with her/his permission that is. (So far, I have only two entries, but there might be more by dec. 5th).
Thank you for your generosity :-)
Oh me too. 4 is my lucky/fav number so I’d like to donate the 4th box :)
You are all AMAZING and leaving a legacy for Steepster.
I am proud to be getting to know you.
If I can make one suggestion to those potentially receiving a surprise box? Make sure your cupboard and shopping lists are as updated as possible (I know, it’s tricky) and then also maybe write something about your likes/dislikes and/or needs in your profile. It makes our jobs a whole lot easier and a ton more fun that way! :)
I actually nominated someone who isn’t on steepster but I can tell whoever gets her if she’s chosen what her preferences are to the best of my knowlage.
Frolic, for my box, it wont make a difference cause it’s already prepared and there’s enough to please all tastes! I figure the winner should pay forward the ones he/she won’t like. If your friend wins, I hope she can share with you for being so kind to have nominated her :-)
Only one day left before the winner is announced!
To keep things exciting, here’s an idea of what’s in the box:
35 teas total. A few sample size (meaning 2 to 4 cups), but most are about the size of 15 to 50g pouches.
Most are flavoured, but there’s also 6 very good quality straight teas (black, green, oolong and white)
I have included 2 very pretty and almost full 80g tins from Ariel tea.
The other brands are:
Della Terra
David’s Tea
Zen Tea Life
Butiki (don’t get excited, there’s only 2 of small sizes!)
That’s a great list, I’m going to go through my stash tonight and start picking out some teas for my box…
I’ll play if you guys need another.
Thanks, that’s super great Ricky, I was missing two givers so that makes you giver #5!
I just started following you, can you follow back so I can message you who your are matched with tomorrow?
Do you still need a box? And can we send opened samples we’ve tried? I don’t have that much thats still sealed.
Jenny, thank you!!! Yay, that makes you giver #6, which is a wrap cause there are now 6 contestants :-)
You can send whatever you want, there are no rules. It’s like a one way swap! Mine are all already opened, it’s basically a «one way» swap! I just came up with the idea and I’m so happy others have followed. I’m now following you, can you follow back please so I can message who you are paired with tomorrow?
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