Old Swap Thread!

This used to be the official swap thread, but has since been broken down into more specific swapping threads based on location. Please post in the following threads if you want to swap!
If you want to ship….

Within EUROPE: http://steepster.com/discuss/5157-eu-tea-swaps-for-the-euro-world-only

INTERNATIONALLY: http://steepster.com/discuss/5158-intl-international-tea-swaps-i-dont-care-where-i-send-it

Within the USA only: http://steepster.com/discuss/5155-us-tea-swaps-for-us-to-us-only

To CANADA and the USA: http://steepster.com/discuss/5156-us-and-can-tea-swaps-for-us-and-canadian-folks-north-america

Thanks and happy swapping!

2803 Replies
Lori said

I would love to try the HandS’s Vanilla- I have some of the Kusmi Spicy Chocolate and CTH’s Chocolate Chai. Both of those are delicious and some of my favorite.

The spicy chocolate is very mildly spicy w/ vanilla and chocolate..The chocolate chai is one of my fave nite-time teas: decaf, no rooibos and strongly chocolate…

Just PM me for the details…

mrs tea said

I’m also dying to try H & S Vanilla Comoro, the decaf one. I’m in Ontario, Canada and it doesn’t seem to be available anywhere except on amazon.com. Check out my cupboard if I have anything you’d like to swap or message me for deets!

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I updated the original post so that others can join in and make their own if they want. :)

Updated my list of teas for swap! :)

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Jillian said

Can’t say that I have any of the teas you’d like, sorry. :)

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Lori said

Good idea French Vanilla for starting this new thread as we had a Take it AWay thread but not a swapping thread…

Glad you think so, Lori.
I couldn’t seem to find a thread dedicated to swaps only. :)

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Ellen said

I’m willing to swap anything in my cupboard except White Ayurvedic Chai (Teavana) and Mango Green Tea (Bar Harbor Tea Company)
Just pm me! I’m really interested in almost anything, I just want to try a lot of different teas!

Ellen said

Update 4/7/11

Here’s an actual list of teas I’ll swap

Chicago Tea Garden – Silver Needle White Tea
Republic of Tea – Ginger Peach White
Republic of Tea – Tea of Inquiry
Republic of Tea – Blackberry Sage
Republic of Tea – Osmanthus Oolong
Upton Tea Imports – Pai Mu Tan Imperial
Upton Tea Imports – Russian Caravan
Upton Tea Imports – English Breakfast
Upton Tea Imports – Keemun Mao Feng
Upton Tea Imports – Keemun Heng Ru
SpecialTeas – Ti Kuan Yin
Teavana – Samurai Chai Mate
Teavana – Peachberry Jasmine Sutra
Mighty Leaf – California Fields
Mighty Leaf – Mayan Chocolate Truffle
Mighty Leaf – Wild Blackberries
Mighty Leaf – Leaves of Provence
Mighty Leaf – Aloe Serenity
Joy’s Teaspoon – Spicy Chai
Joy’s Teaspoon – Sun Kissed Jasmine
Joy’s Teaspoon – Enchanted Forest
ESP Emporium – Ginseng Berry
ESP Emporium – Magic Moon
ESP Emporium – Oolong Flower of Asia
Seven Cups – Li Li Xiang (Anxi Oolong)

You can ask about other things in my cupboard too

Batrachoid said

I’ll swap for Arjuna, either Osmanthus, SIlver Needle, or Big Red Robe if you want anything in my cupboard or if you have a Tao of Tea tea you want I can probably get it. I’m going to a store that carries most of their teas and I’m going to have a hard time picking. XD

Meghann M said

I would love to try

Mighty Leaf – Wild Blackberries
Republic of Tea- Ginger Peach White
American Tea Room – Martinique

Feel free to look in my cuoboard, I’ll swap anything I have more than a sample size left of. I followed you so follow me and PM if interested on swapping. I love trying new teas too!

Ellen said

Oohh I’m so excited! I’ll have a look at your cupboards. Unfortunately I won’t be able to actually ship the tea until I get back to school (where most of it is stashed) at the end of this month.

Meghann M said

No problem, enjoy the rest of your break and take your time looking through cupboards. Just message when you are ready to swap:)

Ellen said

Updated the list

Would like to try Climber’s High and Utopian Jewel

Ellen said

Your wish shall be granted! hint hint hint =D

Jude said

Just like you, interested in variety. I’d like to try Big Red Robe and also Choco*late, Golden Monkey Paw, and maybe a little Eagle Nest and a cup or two of Spicy Pear. Plus, I didn’t see a tasting note on the Chicago Tie Guan Yin, which I love, so if you weren’t fond of it I’m happy to swap for some of that, too. Looks like you like oolong, and I just last week got a decent amount of SpecialTeas China Fine Ti Kaun Yin Oolong, plus their Chun Mee Organic and Keemun Special Grade. Also happy to swap my EnjoyingTea Green Oolong bagged tea. I’m following you so lemme know what you think.

He he he how awesome is it that you are my sweetea person! I got the package today and wow! I can’t wait to try everything. Including the utopian jewel and the climber’s :) cheers!

Ellen said

Updated my list.

Dinosara said

I’m interested in the Sun Kissed Jasmine and Enchanted Forest from Joy’s Teaspoon, and the Oolong Flower of Asia from ESP. Is there anything in my cupboard or my small list of swaps (on page 4 of this thread) that you’d like to swap for?

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Spot52 select said

I would be interested in some Republic of Tea’s Coconut Cocoa Tea (Tea Bag).
I just followed you, and I will pm you with a tea offer when you follow me!

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Meghann M said

Here are teas I have available to swap:

Republic of Tea Black Currant Cardamom Raw Green Bush tea (bag)
Republic of Tea Pineapple Ginger Green Tea (bag)
Republic of Tea Tangerine Hibiscus (bag)
Celestial Seasonings Sugar Plum Spice (bag)
Mighty Leaf Holiday 2010 blend (loose)
Art of Tea Passionfruit Jasmine (loose)
Upton Imports Vanilla Pai Mu Tan (loose)

I am willing to do sample sizes of other teas from my cupboard, just ask.

Meghann M said

Updated my list with some Teavana teas I have, and some were removed that were swapped!

Kristen said

I would love to try the 52 Teas Fruit Cocktail Green tea if available. Could I interest you in anything from my cupboard?

I know that we’ve already swapped.. but I would like to try the Cocoa Praline Tart, if possible! Is there anything from my updated list that interests you? Please message me if you see anything you like.

I would be interested in the Caravan and Almond Biscotti

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I want to try thinks I have not had before.

I have
Caribbean Dream The Jade Teapot (loose herbal)
Voodoo afternoon to remember
Nectar Black Tea by McNulty’s (2 tsp)
Kwangsi B.P. China Black Tea Black Tea by McNulty’s (2-4 tsp)
Organic Dark Roast Yerba Mate Loose Yerba maté Tea by Mate Factor (2tsp)
instant plum tea (honeyed) assi brand
instant ginger tea (honeyed) assi brand
Fleur de Grey by Mad Pots of Tea (2 tsp)

-Harney & Sons Florence-
-Yerba Mate from Guayaki Yerba Mate Guayaki (bagged yerba mate green)-
-Chocolate Bacon Black Tea from Man Teas (loose black)*-
-Hot Buttered Banana Bread 52teas (loose black)-
-Holiday Spice Black harney & Sons (sachet black)-
-tao of tea mandarin green (loose green) *-
*=seem to be suffering from mint contamination – willing to give up for free

Frolic select said

I’d be interested in the Chocolate Bacon Man Tea a little touch of mint doesn’t sound bad. My cupboard hasn’t been updated in ages but I can send you a message with what I have that I can send.

Meghann M said

I would love to try teavana’s garden ariaand Harney holiday spice. I listed a few teas above or feel free to check out my cupboard if anything interests you.

I’d love to try Yerba Mate from Guayaki Yerba Mate. I listed a few below or you can check out my cupboard :) Thank you!

o0tea0o all yours! I’d love to try
Andrew & Dunham Damn Fine Holiday (loose)
PM me your address :)

Batrachoid said

I ’m posting a list of what I have afterwards; would you be willing to swap for for Garden Aria or the Tuocha Jasmine?

Batrachoid – how about both (i had enough garden aria for 2 tins) for
Rishi Wuyi Oolng
Iron Goddess oolong

Batrachoid said

Sure. =) I’ll Pm my address.

Jillian said

I’ll take your H&S Florence – I’ve always wanted to give her a try. ;D

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I have these for sampling:

Adagio Decaf Earl Grey (loose)
Adagio Decaf Tropics (loose)
Adagio Earl Grey (loose)
Adagio Lemon Grass (loose)
Adagio Rooibos Vanilla (loose)
Adagio Peppermint (loose)
Numi Mate Lemon (bagged)
Andrew & Dunham Damn Fine Holiday (loose)
Dragon Tea House Love Goddess (flowering tea)
Dragon Tea House Flowering Faery (flowering tea)
Rishi Ancient Pu-erh Tuo Cha (loose & in small cake form)
Rishi Cinnamon Plum (loose)
Rishi Blueberry Rooibos (loose)
Taylors of Harrogate Raspberry & Vanilla (bagged)

Feel free to look at my cupboard for more. :)

Are you interested in any of the following?:
Samovar’s Lemon Yunan ~20g (I’d like to send the whole amount)
Den’s Tea: (I could send a large sample 10g+ of these)
Kuradashi Sencha
Sencha Zuiko
Apple Sencha
Harney & Sons Vanilla Comoro (I could send a couple bags)
Harney & Sons Tokyo (I don’t mind sending up to 20g)
Rishi Tea Golden Needle (2g-4g sample)
1TTEN Genmaicha (I don’t mind sending up to 30g, as I have a lot, but it is good)

If one or a couple of those interest you, I’d be willing to trade some for:
I saw you have (in your cupboard) Den’s Green Kukicha, Organic Sencha/Houjicha tea bags – I’d be interested in a sample of any of that (a few grams for the Kukicha, or 1 bag of the organics).
How much of a sample would you be willing to send for the Rooibos Vanilla?

Hi! I’m interested in swapping, but I don’t have a scale to weigh the teas. I’m interested in trying H&S Vanilla Comoro, 1TTEN Genmaicha, and/or Samovar’s Lemon Yunan.

How many grams in a teaspoon? I’m willing to send Rooibos Vanilla in a small adagio tin size, which I believe is 1oz. And Den’s Kukicha about 3+ teaspoons (according to gourmetsleuth’s calculator, thats about 14 grams+?)

I’m moving really soon so the organic tea bags are packed up already. :)

Mel said

Hello, Shinobincha, I am interested in some of your swaps if any in my cupboard you want to try.

Hey Mel,
Well, after I swapped with oOTeaOo there isn’t as much available.
I have for sampling:
Apple Sencha (2g – 4g)
1TTen Genmaicha (large sample, 14g-20g)
Harney and Sons Tokyo (large sample, 14g-1oz)
52teas Strawberry Pie (8g-14g)

Interesting are: Marco Polo, Carrot Cake, 2009 Winter TGY, TKY Golden Milk Tea

Mel said

I can give you two teaspoons of each, my scale for baking isn’t the best for small grams. I am ordering the strawberry pie, but I am interested in the others.

oOteaOo, anything from my list that interests you?
I’m interested in swapping!

Hi Mel, I have messaged you about this; just wanted to make sure you got it!

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Batrachoid said

Harney & Sons Valentine’s Blend
Harney & Sons Hot Cinnamon Spice
Rishi Wuyi Oolong
Plucker’s Pick Ceylon
Tao of Tea Rose Tuocha
Tao of Tea Kukicha (My sister drank it. (-_-;) Sorry. More in three weeks.)
Tao of Tea Rainforest Strong Green Tea (Er, more in three weeks. See comment)
Tao of Tea Green Kukicha
A Better Choice Iron Goddess

I’m also going to a store on Wednsday that sells most Tao of Tea teas so if you have one in mind, PM me and I’ll pick it up for swap (definate purchases are Jasmine Pearls, Osthmanthus, and more Rose Tuocha.). I can also get Frontier Co-op’s teas (they’re found in every health food store I’ve seen but apparently a lot of Steepsterites haven’t tried them, so I guess they’re not as ubiquitous as I presumed a few months ago. Or am I wrong? O_O; )

frenchvanilla: I’d be willing to trade for The Republic of Tea’s Red Velvet Chocolate.

Jillian said

I’ll take the Tao of Tea Rose Tuocha and Rainforest Stong Green, as well as the Rishi Wuyi Oolong. What would you like in return? Feel free to check out my Cupboard.

Meghann M said

I’d love to have the Harney and Son’s Valentine’s Blend, can I send you anything from my swap list on page one, or anything from my cupboard?

Batrachoid said

Oops. I drank the last cup of the Strong Green and forgot I had it up here. 0_0; Damn A.D.D impulses
I have another tin on order in three weeks at he store. I ‘ll still swap with one more person besides Jillian if they (and she) don’t mind the wait. Again, I apologize.

Jilian: Sure, I can send some of the Rose Tuocha and the Rishi (but only one cup if that’s okay). I’ll have a look….the White Chocolate Grasshopper and Harney Dragon Jasmine Pearls would be my first choice or a different honeybush or guayasa if those are out.

Meghann M: I was hoping you’d ask! Sure, Brian’s Snickerdoodle is perfect! I planned on making snickerdooodles this week for our annual “I am so sick of winter” party. Seems we both want to pair a tea with an event, eh? I’ll PM my address.

I would love to send you some of the red velvet chocolate! What would you like to trade in return? :)

Batrachoid said

Well, I have what’s up there. (^_^;) not much left.
Edit: Yay, got a few more things. See post to Joe.

Jillian said

Batrachoid, I can do the H&S Dragon Pearl Jasmine (it’s in pyramid bags if that’s okay). I’m reluctant to open the 52Teas White Choc Grasshopper since I have a bunch of honeybush teas open already, but I’ll send you some other flavoured honeybush from 52Teas if that’s okay?

I don’t mind splitting the Strong Green w/ other people – with all the teas I got for the Holidays I don’t particularly need a ton anyway. ;)

Do you still have Tao of Tea Green Kukicha?
I wouldn’t mind swapping some red velvet for that! :)

Do you still have the Tao of Tea Rose Tuocha?

Spencer said

Batrachoid, I’d be interested in doing specifically a pu’erh swap if you are.

Batrachoid said

RachanaC: I’m sorry I didn’t see your response until now!
Yes, I do.

Spencer: That sounds great!

Spencer said

What do you have available for pu’erh to swap?

Batrachoid said

Right now just the three kinds of tuocha tuocha and one loose pu’erh from another swap I don’t know the origins of.

Batrachoid: I would love some. What would you like to try of mine? I bought a brick of Pu Erh from Tea Gschwendner recently and can cut a block or 2 off for you if you like. If not check out my cupboard.

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