12 Days of Christmas Swap

181 Replies

The other Canadian has received days 1, 6, 7, 8 (which is my day), 9, 10, and 12. Dying to see what the first day is! I guess I technically only have half an hour to wait? Though I’ll probably wait until the proper morning ;)

MissB said

Heh. Not a bad idea…

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Katiek said

I hope you get the rest of the teas soon, Roswell. I got all 11 (and I know you got mine), so I’m sure they’ve been sent and are just making their way to Canada and through customs.

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I’m not really that worried – I’m sure everything will work out! Even though I’m mostly missing the first few days, they’ve still got time to make it here :)

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Isaila said

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY!!!!!! I’ve already opened the first one, and it’s really lovely! This is something that I’ve wanted to try for a while.

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Opened and enjoyed the first cup, already :)

Very happy with what it was (thought not a new tea for me)! I’ve already got my review up, so hopefully that doesn’t spoil anything for anyone.

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CelebriTEA said


Your tea is beyond lovely.
Sweet cranberry with pear and the pear lingers on your palette.
I am falling in love with David’s Teas.
Hope everyone is enjoying this…I sure am.

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Katiek said

I don’t know how you did those great labels for it! Perfect tea for the first day. Thanks!

Ellyn select said

I used labels my husband had for his side-business. avery.com has some great templates. I had fun making it look so pretty! I’m glad you enjoyed it!

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I loved the tea for the first day! Thank you Ellyn. It was such a treat. I agree your packaging was awesome!

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TeaTee said

Loved Day 1 tea. A nice treat. Going to try Day 2 soon

Ellyn, where did you purchased the foil packages you put the tea in?

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Ellyn select said

I purchased them from ebay. It looks like this link goes to the same item I purchased from the same seller. They came recommended on another steepster msg board. http://www.ebay.com/itm/50-3-5×5-Ziplock-Stand-Up-Pouches-Bags-SUP-AA-Clear-Silver-/310658911232?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4854b6cc00

Katiek said

What kind of heat sealer did you use to seal the tops? I was impressed by the packaging too. Very cool.

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