12 Days of Christmas Swap
I received my tea from Khaleesical this afternoon!
That is FAST! She deserves an award for that one…lol..
Miss B~ you rock!
In the USA, I am not sure of any way to ship
on a Sunday …
In Canada, Canada Post has offices at places like 7-11 (convenience store). I was told they’re now open longer hours, and have several pickups a day, every day, until the end of the month. They’re also delivering on the weekends, which surprised me, because we only got mail today…. and found my package from Roswell Strange. Awesome! I’m going to keep these all packed up for now, until it’s time to open them.
I got my packaging material today, so I should be able to package everything this week and mail it out by early next week. I’ll let you know when i send them out.
My tea is here, my packaging is bought. Now just to get them packaged up and out the door! Pretty excited! Can’t wait to see what everyone came up with.
I have my packaging, but it may be another day or two until I have my tea!
I cannot wait to smell my tea ;-)
First day of tea went out on Sat. It is coming to you from Massachusetts! Hope you get it soon.
12th Day (as well as a bonus sample unrelated to the theme) was mailed this afternoon. I hope they get to everyone ok .
Hi Everyone,
I’m planning to get my packages out by Saturday. This is taking me longer than I had hoped. I seem to be making this more complicated than it really needs to be, but I’ll get it all figured out.
I’m the 7th day, so everyone should get their tea in plenty of time (fingers crossed)
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