Marijuana Flavored Tea?
Yeah, I just got a suggestion from someone that I create such a tea. Possibly the most unique suggestion I’ve received since someone asked me for hot dog flavored matcha.
Just curious if anyone would be interested in such a thing.
I didn’t think the selling point of marijuana was the taste haha. I think what they really want is a tea that will give the same effect as marijuana.
Actually there are an increasing number of marijuana flavored products. They make ecig juice flavored like it, suckers… With it becoming legal in more places, there is a culture growing around it.
We made up a ‘white mary jane peony’ flavoured white tea at the shop and it was fairly popular. And yes we did get the odd patron coming in and actually asking if there was weed in it!
Not unlike drinking tea made from cacao leaves, as you get in Peru to compensate for the altitude when going to Machu Picchu . I. bought some and tried it. It’s herb like and vegetal, not bad tasting, but doesn’t really have any real effect that I could tell.
Well, it’s DEFINITELY a unique tea flavour…
I’d certainly be interested in trying it at least once. I’m sure I know a few people at the university here in town who might be interested in trying it, just as a “gimmicky” type of tea.
I’m wondering how amused the person that suggested the hot dog flavored tea would be with a marijuana flavored tea. Just … had to say that. :)
You would probably have be very very careful about where you send it to as ‘legal in more and more places’ as not the same as ‘legal everywhere eventually’… You or your customer might get in trouble if it was sent to somewhere where it’s still considered a dangerous illegal substance. (Which it is, so personally I think it would be a bad idea alround)
Well, we wouldn’t be doing anything illegal if we did it. We would not be putting any illegal substance in the tea, just some flavoring. I don’t want to go to jail.
I wouldn’t drink that flavour for the flavour that’s for sure haha, but a tea that relaxed me, or mellowed me out, without tasting like cannabis would probably be more my style haha. Then again I’m not a fan of the flavour tbh
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