Digital Cafe for tea drinkers and kudos to steepster!

Before I plug my own website, I want to say thanks to the crew here at steepster for creating such an innovative place to review tea. Everything about the review procedures to implementing modern social media concepts.

I recently started a new online community for tea drinkers—→

We don’t sell tea or tea accessories, nor do we have any plans to. We think of ourselves literally as an online cafe or perhaps, more appropriately, as an interactive magazine for tea drinkers.

The main thing is that we have an agenda – tea has suffered under grandma’s guidance for too long. Too many websites and tea rooms are not doing enough to improve and push the image of tea forward. Steepster, with its modern design and concepts fits right in with our agenda. Our goals are to promote tea, create community and affect the image tea has through aggressive internet marketing.

We are spreading ourselves across various social media networks to distribute our vision for tea. For this reason, we will be using steepster exclusively as the medium for our tea reviews and tasting notes. This is exactly the kind of modern, relevant tea website we can get behind.

Please stop by and register for our forums – right now we are really, really new but we are working hard to provide great content for you both on our website and across the social media spectrum.

I look forward to seeing some of you there – together we can support tea and such well-executed websites like steepster!

Pete @
leafbox tea

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