Fauchon in Canada
Was in Winners/HomeSense today (Burnaby) and saw there were quite a few Fauchon blends for sale. Thought others might want to grab some too while they’re still available.
Just a heads up if you go looking for them. The store I bought mine at had around 10 different flavours, but they were all on the racks in the checkout line up. Check there, if you don’t see any on the shelves where they normally stock tea.
Nice! So good to know, as I only found a handful of blends and thought there would be more. I’ll have to go investigate next week.
I’ll have you know I am insanely jealous! Someone did say that they found some Fauchon teas stateside in TJ Maxx/Marshalls so maybe I’ll get lucky, although the closest one of those is an hour away from me. (I hate living in the boonies!)
If i find some when i go, i can let you know what’s there…likely cheaper than trying to get them from overseas
Haha yeah, considering that I would have to get someone in Europe to order them for me and ship them to me. I’m definitely interested to know what they have… yyz said he found Naissance, and if you see that one I would be definitely interested (that one came out after I left Paris!)
they didn’t have naissance at the one i went to tonight. Pear; mango; apricot; birthday…from what i remember. I picked up Autumn just to try it. I am hitting another one tomorrow though since i have some errands to run anyway. Will keep you posted
MissB said they have both Naissance and Anniversaire at the one she goes to, so she offered to grab those for me. I’ll let you know if that falls through because they disappear or anything. :)
I found some @ Marshall’s in Western New York, but TJMaxx didn’t have any. The Homestore (?) which is new to area and affiliated w/the others had some too. Less than 5 @ each location. I haven’t has time to review mine yet (and may never LOL!)
Dinosaura, I’d be happy to grab some for you and ship them your way – they were only $12.99 CDN a tin.
I found Naissance, Anniversaire, Automne, Printemps, Abricot, and Peche et Thyme. There were a few others that I missed.
Thanks for updating with the price! I’ll have to go check them out. Now… will I have better luck at Brentwood or Metrotown? :)
You could try calling them before hand. They should be able to tell you whether they got them in. Where I live, two store east of me a winners and a homesense both received them, whereas the homesense closest to me did not. They gave me their phone number because it’s possible they might receive them this week.
I went to Metrotown, and they had a good 40 or so boxes yesterday where the tea lives. I’ve yet to look at the cashiers like yyz suggested. The mall was crazy yesterday, so I’m going to hedge my bets and wait until Tuesday, although a woman behind me did say, “They have Fauchon here? Wow.”
Yea, calling is probably a good idea. Let us know how it goes!
I kinda feel like wandering in the mall tomorrow. I’ll head over to Metrotown just after 11. :)
I went out today and my Winners didn’t have a lot left, just one or two cans of each. They were only in the “tea” section and there weren’t any at the check out. They also had a few of the elephant tins that were mentioned in another topic. I didn’t buy one, but they are cute if you like elephants.
I bought Fauchon La Naissance, L’Automne, Apricot, Pear and Mango. (I also bought a box of Mighty Leaf Tea – African Nectar – uggg)
Thanks MissB for posting this.
The metrotown store has hardly anything left. I got Après-Midi a Paris and Peche et Thym. Last tins of each. They still have earl grey, pear, apple, mango.
Interesting how the different stores have different flavors (unless they were just sold out). I didn’t see any earl grey, apple, apres -midi or peche et thym. I did see birthday and rose at mine but didn’t get them.
It’s true, the one that I went to had Naissance, Anniversaire, Un Soir de France, Earl Grey, Rose, Mango, Pear, Apricot, Pomme du Verger, Peche et Thyme, L’Hiver, and Automne. I saw Printemps at another store. It was hard to control myself, but there are other teas I want and some I would have bought if I didn’t already have something similar.
Uh, that’s because I suck and probably cleared them out earlier today. :( I grabbed some Anniversaire and Naissance for Dinosaura, and then some La Mangue and L’Hiver. There were a few Anniversaire left when I was there, and I completely missed the Apres-Midi a Paris!
OMGsrsly, I can definitely share some of my Naissance with you.
Haha. If appreciate it! Just a taste. Of course I’ll share mine too. The Brentwood store didn’t have any at all.
I sincerely blame all of you for the $52.94 I purchased in tea today from Winners/Homesense. And that was after I widdled down what was in the cart. :P
Think about it this way it was basically 50% off and was basically an early black friday sale.
I think it was an awesome sale. I got lots of teas for a great price. But I didn’t need lots of tea regardless of price. Ha ha.
Fauchon l’abricot and the earl grey. Ahmed Earl Grey. Keep Calm and Carry on Afternoon tea. Hamstead Earl Grey. And I guess I also bought a pound of sugar cookie coffee which smells super delicious – so that was part of the purchase but not tea.
Sounds like a nice haul. I was tempted to get some straight teas the last time I was there to, but I really need to move through some of the ones I have! The coffee sounds really delicious.
Hey Lala, was the Fauchon Earl Grey this special edition? http://www.fauchon.com/en/the-earl-grey-tea-time.html
No. It is the same style of tin but the tin is gold in colour and the writing on it is purple. It is labelled Le Earl Grey / The Earl Grey.
Ok thanks, that’s their usual blend. I’d love to get my hands on the special edition since its supposed to have shortbread flavors as well.
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