Fauchon in Canada
I can confirm that some TJ Maxxes in the states are carrying Fauchon teas. I just visited one in Columbus, OH that had one each of L’Automne, L’Hiver, Printemps, Mango, Apricot, Apple, Earl Grey, Pear, and Peche et Thyme. I ended up picking up Printemps and a friend of mine grabbed Peche et Thyme.
Good to know! There are a ton of TJ Maxx and its various incarnations ’round here.
If anyone finds any in the Los Angeles area, please let me know! I’m dying for some but have had no luck at my local shops in Glendale.
Not that I needed another reason to go to homesense. They had 4 tins left at my location. I haven’t tried their teas. Any recommendations?
I’d take a boo at the Fauchon teas on here already, and see what’s available near you – it just depends on your preferences. They’re a high-end, French tea company, and I’ve found the quality to be excellent, even if it’s not my cup of tea.
My Homesense only had Earl Grey, Apricot and Pear left. I got the first two. Winners had none. I’m heading to North Vancouver tomorrow, so I may stop in at that location to see what’s there.
Can anyone report if there are any locations in Lower Mainland Vancouver that have some left??? I’ve been to Langley, Coquitlam and South Surrey Homesense, and 3 Winners locations. I didn’t end up stopping by North Shore Winners in Park Royal, but might make a trip if I go see my mom.
Anyone close enough to Metrotown or Burnaby to take a peak? They’re so useless on the phone when I call there, or very unhelpful.
Much to my surprise my little Winners/Homesense had a bunch of Fauchon teas in stock. I picked up a tin each of L’Hiver and Pêche et Thyme. They had some Le Printemps there as well, but I’ve got a ton of flavoured green teas already so I passed on that one.
Kamloops, BC. A bit far for you if you’re looking for locations in the Lower Mainland. ;)
Are any of these available?
I would kill for a pound of an afternoon in paris?
I don’t think anyone has found this at the tjmaxx stores ( whatever their iteration). I think the only one of that series that has appeared at some stores is Evening in Paris. I could be wrong though;).
So far I only know of pear tea… haven’t seen that one although I know some were lucky enough to find it.
One found it in Burnaby… but the chances of some being there is probably slim. They’re so frustrating to call too.
This is a long shot but it never hurts to ask…
Is anyone still finding any, Canada or US shops? I looked and looked and never found any in TN. If anyone would be willing to grab Peche et Thyme and mail it to me I’d be all over that (I have a PayPal account so sending you the funds shouldn’t be too complicated hopefully). Or Raspberry Macaron or any of the black tea based blends probably…I’m a full on addict and the tins I grabbed from that Vente Privee sale are going fast. :(
that’s really nice of you! no worries of course either way. just thought i’d throw the line out, see if anything bites. (:
funnily enough i’m sipping on l’hiver at this moment that i found while checking. i suspect my search will be futile but there are a few within close proximity to me at work and at home :)
I’ve been looking in the ones near me and have only scored at one of the locations. I’m ho hum on the peche a thyme… I’ve drank it once. Might be willing to give it up. I’ll keep checking though for everyones sake :)
Metrotown is now out of all of them, and has been for a few weeks. I think we scooped them all up! I was told to check back again in a few months — they buy them from another dealer who gets them as the stock turns over, however zero guarantee there will be more.
ifjuly, I can send you some samples if you’d like – check my cupboard, I’ve got quite a few Fauchon teas.
I will be at Winners in the next couple of days, will keep check for you but I pretty confident that there won’t be any… :)) My cupboard is your cupboard – if you want to try anything I didn’t send you just let me know….
y’all are so nice! i’m going out of town tomorrow, and then again next weekend too so i don’t know that i’ll have the time to make up new swap boxes til we return after christmas, but if any of you are still open to the idea post-holiday i’d love to PM you and figure it all out. i have a lot black friday teas now—not a lot of any one thing but a zillion samples with enough to share a couple cups with another person. and there’s always paypal of course. when i get back after this weekend i’ll try to figure things out. thanks a lot, guys!
oh and ps, thanks for the info MissB! that makes sense about the inventory and it gives me some hope in the future!
ifjuly— I could certainly be parted with a chunk of my Raspberry Macaron because I haven’t been able to totally get into it, and some of the Paris Mon Amour if you are into rosey teas. Post-holiday swap?
Dinosara, that would be so, so awesome! It’s my favorite, and I love Paris Mon Amour too. Thank you so much for offering! :D After Christmas I will line things up if you’re still feeling generous. Let me know if there’s anything in my cupboard that looks good or interesting to you—no rush of course—the more the merrier as a lot of stuff is gone now (I’m weird and list everything and don’t decupboard things…getting into swapping recently has made me realize I probably need to change that soon :O ).
As an update, I was at Homesense in West Vancouver and none there this past weekend. I bought a single can of the pear tea back in Nov before I knew anything about the brand (but having had good luck with French teas in the past figured why not). I absolutely fell in love with love it and of course, have almost finished my tin. If anyone sees any in the Vancouver area can you please let me know? I will pay for another tin! I’m up in Pemberton so getting to the city to check the stores isn’t always convenient.
I’ve checked a bunch of Winners and all the Homesense stores here now. I’ve found La Naissance at one and L’Anniversaire at another. No L’Automne though. :(
Do you guys know when the next quarter is? I never go into Winners so I’ve no idea when the change/get new stock.
Yea, I wish I had more intel. I only bent the ear of a kind salesperson when I asked, and they said there are so many variables it’s hard to tell, but that it should be every quarter… which means little if Fauchon only sells off their old stock on a yearly basis.
OMGsrsly I saw you were interested in Naissance on the first page of this discussion – did you want me to see if I could grab some for you?
MissB I wish that too haha! I also wish I’d tried L’Automne before last week and that I’d seen this conversation 3 months ago. :P
I did try emailing Fauchon last week to inquire about Canadian retailers, but so far I haven’t gotten a response – hopefully soon.
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