Can anyone recommend a good Cinnamon Black Tea?
I’m looking for a good cinnamon black tea with a mild, smooth flavor. A lot of the cinnamon or holiday teas I’ve tried have a strong clove flavoring. So I’d appreciate your recommendations for a plain, cinnamon tea with a mild taste.
New Mexico Tea Company has cinnamon granules/ chips. I’ve added those to ceylon with good results. Have you tried Della Terra’s Cinnamon Bun?
I haven’t ordered the Cinnamon Bun yet because I was a bit concerned the chai flavor might be too strong. Has anyone here tried it?
Personally, I really like Monkey Bread (recently renamed Cinnamon Bun on the Della Terra site) because of the fact it’s a cinnamon tea without a lot of typical “chai” taste. It’s very creamy and sweet, although to me it tastes a bit more like spice cake with cream cheese frosting.
Hmmm, I didn’t know the Cinnamon Bun was similar to the Monkey Bread. I think I still have a monkey bread sample, but was wary of the chai. I’ll give it a try. Thanks Lariel and Roswell Strange.
They’re the exact same blend – just new and more updated/accurate name. Maybe give your sample a shot? Hope you like it, anyway.
It’s been long enough I honestly can’t remember if there was clove etc. in it, but I tried Joy’s Teaspoon Cinnamon Roll as part of the 8 (Ocho) sampler deal early this year and remember really liking it.
I was going to suggest Harney’s Hot Cinnamon Sunset which is an AMAZING cinnamon tea but it has cloves.
I’m drinking Tea Desire’s Cinnamon Star right now. I’ve got a cold so my smell and taste are a bit off, however it’s quite nice (and came highly recommended). I’d be more than happy to send you some so you can try it.
That is so kind of you, but I checked the site and there were a couple teas I wanted to try, so I’m planning to place an order. Cinnamon Star looks very nice.
Vienna Cinnamon by Tea Forte. I just checked the ingredients and it contains cloves, but I wouldn’t have known unless I just checked!
I just “followed” you so we can exchange messages. If you haven’t already placed an order, let me know and I will send you a code for a $10 coupon (off $30 purchase) I received for taking one of their surveys, but it expires tomorrow! Unfortunately there just isn’t anything that piques my interest at the moment. Also, you still have to actually spend $24 to get the free shipping (which really annoyed me when I went to use the coupon last week!).
I wasn’t sure what they meant by “hot” but I’ll probably give it a try next time I place an order from DT.
I got some ceylon cinnamon sticks (the ones that have many layers and break really easily) and have partially crushed one. I’ve just been adding that to teas I like. I find cinnamon really good with an earthy/yeasty puerh.
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