Southern Boy Teas Kickstarter
Calling all Southern Boy Teas fans: If you could take a moment to comment on our Kickstarter campaign and tell people about the quality of our iced teas, I would REALLY appreciate it.
Yeah, it seems to be going pretty well. I could really use some comments from folks who have enjoyed our Southern Boy Teas before, though. Just so it’s not just me saying how great they are. =)
At this rate, I might just be able to get that form fill seal machine I’ve been drooling over for years.
For any steepsters that haven’t tried SBTs, or for anyone else for that matter, I can vouch for how delicious, easy to use, and worthwhile they are.
Each tea comes in a giant tea bag that can be re-steeped at least once (this makes me two giant pitchers of iced tea). The instructions are easy to follow. Because the tea is in a giant tea bag it is easy to fish out of the pitcher when it is done steeping.
While not all of the SBT flavours have been to my taste, most of them I found delicious. They also come in flavours that you will not find anywhere else. (I highly recommend razzleberry, cotton candy, pink lemonade, lime cola, and all the rest!)
So we just reached Stretch Goal #4 and we added a new reward you guys might be interested in—A 12 Iced Teas of Christmas set!
Another congrats on surpassing $5000!! I am waiting for my credit card to roll over to the next month before I contribute to get some new flavours. But you keep adding more flavours as more stretch goals are achieved. I just might have to wait to the end…
I am also looking forward to the jig :P
Thanks. It has been going awfully well. I’m excited about finally getting some production equipment I’ve been drooling over for a LONG time.
No worries about missing out on a flavor, I have to wait until the end of the campaign to send out “surveys” and collect everyone’s flavor choices anyway. By then we will have a comprehensive list of what’s available.
And I don’t know whether to dread or be excited about the possibility of having to dance a jig. =)
Just bumpkin this. This campaign has been quite successful so far. Just about 2 days left to contribute to get some great iced teas!
I donated! I’ve never even tried it before but I figure if it contributes to a video of Frank doing a jig for us I’m all for it ;)
I know how much you like your ice tea and they get great reviews here so I can’t wait to try.
Oh Frank, I was curious what kind of equipment you’re going to be able to buy now? Can you get the form fill seal machine yet?
Can any of these production machines be used for 52teas too?
I wish I could afford to donate more. I love how very involved in the tea community you are and how responsive you are to us!
It DOES look like I will be able to get the form fill seal machine I wanted AND the label applicator, and they should help some with 52teas too. Thanks for your support!
How did I almost miss this?!? I’m so glad you sent out the email about your Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals because I would have never seen the link to your Kickstarter campaign otherwise. I guess that’s what I get for avoiding all tea sites until Black Friday. :)
Congratulations, Frank. Your teas are amazing, and I’m glad you’ll be abe to share them with even more people.
Come on guys, less than 1,500 to get to the next stretch goal and 3,500 to get to see Frank dance a jig for us.
I know it may seem like a lot but really you’re getting a ton of tea in exchange for your donation. I think at this point it might even be cheaper than buying it for the site at some donation levels! If you’ve ever thought about trying one of his iced teas this is the best way to do it.
Because of all the stretch goal extras you’re getting 7(I think if I did my math right) teas for only $10. And if we hit the ultimate goal everyone will get an additional tea, so that’s 8 teas for only $10! And there are tons of new flavors to choose from.
Lets keep this rolling only 25 hours left!
Can you tell I really want to see Frank dance ;)
I’m cracking up at this. And YES, you did do the math right. Right now, $10 pledges will get 7 teas. If we hit $20,000, they will get 8.
My wife is a little sore about the jig dancing because I really do NOT dance. She has begged me to dance with her before and I just—no. So I don’t really know whether to hope we hit the goal or hope we don’t. I’m thinking if we hit $19,999, that would be great. =)
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