NaNoWriMo 2013
Here we are again!
Who’s writing this year?
I’ve got my new novel idea, as always, based on a bizarre dream I had.
I’ve also got a ton of music to learn for upcoming concerts in Nov & Dec, so it will be a miracle if I make my writing goal this year! But I’m still gonna go for it!
I am, I think. Or at least for some of it. I don’t think I can make 50K this year and I’m not going to try particularly hard at it. I’ll be using it mainly to try and finish a project I think I made a very good start on this summer, but haven’t touched in a few months. I have something else to finish if/when I get through the first one. If that all takes me to 50K then it’s awesome. If it doesn’t, I’m okay with that. :)
I want to participate this year, but there be no way I’d even get 25k! Wahh!
Though maybe I’ll chip away on something if I have free time. Or at least mapped out a story.
Sometimes I feel like it’s so hard to function in the world & have a creative life too. Even though my entire income is based on music/creativity, I still get caught up in the money making projects (which I’m not complaining about, mind you! I do like paying my bills & buying tea!). I’m practicing my harp a lot right now, putting together several programs simultaneously, to be performed on various dates:
Nov 14th is a 2 hour Trio gig, all beatles music.
Nov 18th is a choir concert that I’ll accompany at the college
Dec 8 & 21st is another choir thing at another college, & then a church.
Usually november is pretty empty, with some xmas stuff to pull out & review, this year it’s looking crazy, with hours & hours spent learning music for the Dec choir gigs & I need to put together a solo concert too.
I really want to write again this year, & I’m gonna give it a go. I’m just gonna aim for an hour &/or 2000 words a day. If I don’t get to 50,000 by the end of November, or if I get too overwhelmed to write, I’ll just let it rest until January, & then do Janowrimo instead :)
I was just talking to a friend about how I’ve tried and failed this for six years running now! (I’m nothing if not consistent) Here’s to another!
I’m going to have a go this year. I meant to join a few years ago and each year since but unfortunately I was too busy with work and home to do so. This year however I have lots of free time and already have an idea in mind for a story. I look forward to sharing my write and reading all of yours. :)
When I first heard of NNWM, it was already the 3rd week of november. I planned to do it the following year, but then totally forgot about it until the 2nd or 3 week of November. That happened a couple of years in a row! Finally, I got my act together :)
This’ll be my third year of considering NaNo and my second year of actually attempting it, haha! Last year I did almost no pre-prep work whatsoever and tried to write my novel on the fly. About halfway through the month, I was behind word count, I had no idea where the dern thing was going, and I realized I was really okay with not finding out. This year my idea’s more solidified, although you never know what will happen. Excited!
The first year I wrote from inside my head, just telling the story as it came to me. It was based on a strange dream I had, so while I was writing it was sometimes like I was still dreaming that dream. The 2nd year I had an outline of a novel I started about 30 years ago, based on a series of dreams I’d had over my life, plus songs I’d written. So I already knew where the story was going, & it was more about creating scenes to fill it in.
This year, I’m going to fly by the seat of my pants again. I had a bizarre dream, which I’ve sort of been dreaming for the last few weeks in the back of my head (my mind is a dangerous place…“don’t go there alone”, someone once said.)
I think I like it better when I don NO prep, & just start writing. After all, it’s just the first draft, so anything goes. Sometimes if I don’t know what to write, I’ll just pretend I’m one of the characters, & let them reminisce awhile, or describe how they feel, dress, etc. Just make up stories about that person, until I figure out what to write about next. As long as it adds up to 50K, it’s good.
So, I can’t figure out how to add friends on the the Nanowrimo site, but if anybody wants to add me, my member name is harpsinger
I’m doing it as well, however I’m a nonfiction writer, so I just log my word count. Kind of, sort of, really excited, especially since there’s a tea shop relatively close by that I can write in.
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