EU Travelling Box - (ROUND FOUR - SIGN UP NOW).
mm, this box still seems full of tentation !
Yxvandoluu, it seems you had the same problem i had before, not getting messages which have been sent to you. But, as Anna has said, you will just get the box one week later, you are still in the round. Everybody here is good minded, no there are no offence.
May i suggest something : when sending a message to someone here for the box, perhaps we could notice it also on the forum, as we can be notified when there’s an update ? (i’m afraid i won’t get the message another time when it would be my turn to get the box !)
Yes I agree, if you have trouble to contact a member via private message then a quick post here may help.
I have Steepster set to send me an email when there’s a new PM. I’ve never had trouble missing messages that way (but it hasn’t made me better at replying to them)
I think the box has arrived. At least there’s a parcel waiting for me to pick it up from the post office. The ‘from’ field on the slip says something undecipherable beginning with S, which may or may not be ‘Sweden’. I won’t have an opportunity to pick it up until Wednesday, so we won’t know for certain sure until then, but I’m not expecting anything else from anywhere beginning with S, so I’d be surprised if it was something else. :)
Conversation went a bit like this,
Husband: You have a parcel. Says it’s from… Swaa… Swug… Swagle…
Me: Sweden?
Husband: …Possible, I suppose.
It was indeed the box!
After the intelligence test of getting it open (tape! Lots of tape!), I have done some initial rough sorting. The No-pile, Maybe-pile and the Yes-pile. This resulted in about equal sized piles, and after looking up the Maybe-pile on Steepster to see what they were, the Yes-pile is now a little under half the selection. I counted them. 28 things. Not sure how to proceed at this point! O.o And I still have things yet to try from the first round… headdesk
Some are big enough to take samples from, and some I’ll just have a single cup of, but many of them I’ll probably just take the lot, otherwise there won’t be room for me to add stuff. The box already didn’t close properly when I got it.
Anna, there are a couple from Hans & Grete in it that looks like your packing technique. Is that the Århus shop? (If it is, I’ll leave those in as I can get it myself. I come past both of their shops almost every day.)
Yes, they are from Århus!
I’m really happy it got there, and that I was right about how quick it would be from Sweden. Seeing as I mailed it one day later than planned due to the recipient change, I’m impressed it still got there on Monday.
I was in such a rush with the box last time, I really enjoyed having a chance to take my time with it this time. I tried teas for about five days, which really gave me a chance to figure out which ones should be just tries and which ones takes. I enjoyed this approach more than the sniff-and-keep/put back one from the last round.
Have fun with the box, Ang!
i’ve just ordered new tea to have more things to swap with this box ! (i still don’t know where i will put them… but seeing all those tea made me want to try new tastes !)
Hi all, I still have the box, but I’m getting ready to pass it on. I’ve run out of small ziplock bags, though, and I’m having a devil of a time sourcing new ones. It’s so frustrating, they seem to have completely disappeared from well, everywhere! Next time I find some I’m going to buy a huge supply! O.o
I will definitely get the box in the mail before the end of the week, though. That’s the plan. And if I haven’t managed to get some ziplocks before then, I’ll just have to get creative! I do have an idea for a solution, but it’s a bit elaborate… Probably also a bit silly.
Let me know if you need emergency bags! Your small ones are way bigger than my small ones, though.
ETA: Plus I really want to see this elaborate and silly solution…
Those blue ones aren’t my normal small ones. But I got the first round fairly quickly and everybody had added such large amounts so I took it as the norm. :p My ‘normal’ small ones were about the size of your large small ones, I think.
The elaborate solution involves normal freezer bags shortened to a suitable length and these
Yxvandoolu, you have mail.
No, not yet. I reckon if there’s no lifesign by tomorrow afternoon, I’ll just go to the next in line. I’ve PMed, and posted here I PMed and emailed that I’ve PMed.
Perhaps she just dropped it after the unfortunate misunderstanding of us swapping places? I wish she would have just said so, though. It’s not like we can smell whether people are lurking or not.
When I had a hard time getting a hold of her, she said, ‘I don’t read emails.’ so maybe she just hasn’t logged in for a bit? I don’t see any new tasting notes.
Is this the current order?
Yxvandoolu (unless MiA)
…or did I forget someone?
Well it’s a Catch 22 situation. But this is the second time she has gone ‘missing’ now. Then it becomes fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me scenario.
And again, I’m really sorry about the misunderstanding. When I wrote, “This will give her a chance to bounce back into the swap if she wants to, while Ang has the box.” I thought it was clear that it was just a question of swapping places.
I’ve asked meldc to send me her address in case I don’t hear from Yxvandoolu.
And if I’m to be completely honest, if you sign up for something like this, you sign in and keep up and you check your mail. Otherwise, don’t sign up. The rest of us can’t know whether you’ve disappeared and lost interest or actually there lurking. Sorry for the grump, but it irritates me. Chasing people like this shouldn’t have to be necessary. :/
Hehe, yes, it might be best that meldc gets the box soon, before she buys all the teas.
ETA: And Ang, I agree. I think it was a very nice gesture of Kitty to let someone without any Steepster cred or presence participate at all, so reciprocating that faith by being a little more, you know… here would probably have been better.
I’m lurking, just in case anyone thinks I’ve lost interest! I’m so excited for the box, by the way (: I just didn’t want to interrupt anyone else’s conversation by joining in.
With this scenario, for what it’s worth, I would have thought that after such a misunderstanding the first time around, you would endeavour to make sure the same thing didn’t happen twice by checking Steepster/your messages frequently. I hope she’s okay, though, I don’t want people to get upset ):
Angrboda, i’ve sent you a message with my address.
Anna it was clear for me too that she will get the box just a few weeks later. Maybe she’s not so much on internet and haven’t seen any messages, i don’t know
It has been received. I’ll give Yxvandoolu a couple more days to come out of the woodwork, sending out on Monday at the latest.
I guess since Yxvandoolu has changed her username to ‘Noname’ and her bio to, “Left Steepster. Didn’t feel the love.” it’s safe to send it on to meldc, unless you already did that. =)
I gathered as much. I’m sending tomorrow. Crazy busy at work today, so I didn’t manage to get to the post office. To-go coffee and a cinnamon roll on the way home from work = lunch. O.o Tomorrow should be more normal, I hope.
I have no idea how she could say she “Didn’t feel the love”. But well at least it answers our question and removes her permanently from the box.
Well, that’s us told. nods
It takes some to get some, though. Flouncing isn’t going to do her any favours. I remain the Sole Dane, then. (As far as I know, anyway)
Oh, you know how it played out. She thought she was excluded permanently from the box because of the misunderstanding (again, on me, sorry about that, should have been clearer) played out that bit of ’I’m very offended’ drama and then when she realized there was just going to be a small, additional wait, she felt dumb.
For a lot of people it’s easier to just do it the way a cat would – you fall flat on your face and then get up immediately and walk away all oh I wasn’t trying to land on my feet at all nothing to see here just cattin’.
Feeling dumb sucks, and it’s human to want to blame everyone else. I’m not saying it’s a good solution, but I’m gonna cut her some slack.
Also I would KILL for a Danish cinnamon roll right now. KILL MURDER MAIM.
When next you get in the vicinity of Barresso, go and have a kanelrose. They are all kinds of yummy. And the barista warmed it for me!
The box is now in shipping limbo, making its way South towards France. Meldc, keep an eye on your mail box!
This is what I took and gave.
Tried, but didn’t take:
Tealux – Shalimar
Miller tea and coffee – original Assam
Namuli (Gorreana?) – Cha Namuli
Lupicia – green grapefruit.
Lupicia – happiness
Kittylovestea’s Genmaicha
Taken, (resisting the temptation to reclaim the AC Perchs ones, several of them being favourites):
Gorreana – Orange Pekoe
The o dor – Celebration
Unknown – Black pearsl china tea
Lupicia – pineapple oolong
eZentea – Honey bush choco caramel
Blowing Rock Tea Co – Coconut almond green
Tee-Maass – elderflower champagne
English tea store – Monks blend
Della Terra – Chcoolate orange slice
Harney & Sons – Queen Catherine
Teavana – Golden Needle
Teavana – Strawberry oolong
Adagio – Cranberry
Mariages Freres – Rouge Automne
Teavana – Raspberry mint herbal
Lupicia – Jardin Sauvage
Teavana – javavana mata
Fru P – Black Chai
Fru P- Green Darjeeling
Fru P – Strawberry and Cream rooibos
Fru P – Bad Weather
Jenier – Scottish breakfast
Tea Palace – Assam Harmutty
Tea Palace – Golden Monkey
Tea Palace – Keemun Hao Ya
NUTE – All Day Classic (Oh dear, I may have written NUET instead of NUTE on the label for this one. I mean NUTE!)
Coop – Keemun tea
Angrboda, Namuli is from Mozambique, north of Mozambique, near Malawi and the lakes region.
Gorreana is from São Miguel island, right by the sea, in the azores, middle of the north Atlantic. I think I am the source of both, but no relation. Gorreana is even supposedly more chinese, the azoreans brought experts from Macau in the 19thcentury to teach them, I think Mozambican teas are more indian (and ctc) style.
I think it said Gorreana on the Namuli sample as well, which is what confused me, especially because you shared some of it with me before and that was listed in the database as Namuli. There should still be some of it in the box. Perphas Meldc would be so kind as to check (and correct) this as well?
Thanks. :)
I forgot to ask at the post office how long I could expect it to take, but I guess it’s probably less than a week.
If for example you packed it right before or right after the Gorreana orange pekoe, that sort of thing can easily happen.
it is home ! i have a box full of tea in my kitchen right now. It will take hours just to smell everything ! i think i will have a good week-end…
Nattie, i’ve sent you a pm, i need your address
Hey meldc! I haven’t received a message, but it also said I wasn’t following you (which I thought I was) so that may have been the issue. I’m following you now, but it won’t let me PM you. I’ll try again later.
Nattie, i’ve posted the box today, now it’s on its way to your home.
Here is what i’ve taken
- gingerbread Tea- Adagiao tea
- chili truffle – Han &Grete
- Yumchao Benny Benny Nice
- Javavana Mate – Teavana
- Blackberry black tea – AC Pedis
And… What i’ve added
- thé des amants – palais des thés
- thé vanille – bois chéri
- festive chai – whittard
- fée clochette – vert tiges
- coeur grenadine – l’autre thé
- bonbon – danman
- cola – danman
Have fun !
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