platypi said

Seeking BLACK Jasmine Tea... no green, no other flavors

You’d think this wouldn’t be so hard, right? I used to get a basic black jasmine in the grocery store (probably Twinings? It was a white box) and LOVED it. I’m weird… I simply don’t like green tea except iced or as a flavoring in stuff like ice cream. Something about hot green tea makes me gag. ANYway… I am seeking a new black jasmine, one that is a totally black base and is just jasmine… not jasmine/blackberry/vanilla/passionfruit/whatever.

I’m new here and this is my first post, so forgive me if I’ve goofed on any protocol :)

13 Replies
yyz said

I know how you feel! I’m trying to find one I love as well. At the moment I have 4,
Organic Garden Jasmine tea :
Ahmad’s Jasmine Black
Tealux’s Jasmine Black
and David’s Black Jasmine Pearls

None of them are quite it though ironically my favourite of them is the bagged tea so far. Ahmads flavouring tastes powdery and artificial, Tealux’s base is light and gentle and the jasmine is quite nice but I think I want a heavier base, this one tastes a little to much like the a jasmine green for me. The pearls weren’t bad but the base seemed a little bit rough underneath it ( granted I’ve only tried them once). I like the fruity Ceylon base under the Organic Garden one but the jasmine isn’t exactly how I want it.

There have been several positive reviews of this tea:
and I might try this one: , when I am in position to place a larger order for flavoured teas because of the shipping cost. I’ve had some of their other teas and haven’t minded the bases and their earl grey is one of my favourite EG’s. . Good luck on your quest!

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If you like the sound of Davids Tea Jasmine Black Pearl, get it ASAP!
It’s on the web special for 40% off it’s not on the main line up page, I’m hoping it’s not getting discontinued. Here’s my review of it

I haven’t tried it yet, but New Mexico Tea Co has a Black Jasmine Cream

Uniquity said

They have put it on web special a couple times now. I loved that tea!

Another vote for the Davidstea version. :)

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platypi said

Thanks folks! I just noticed someone posted a new black jasmine in another discussion— has anyone else tried this one? Silk Road Tea’s Jasmine Jewel. It sounds like it has major potential.

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ashmanra said

A Southern Season has one as well.

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teataku said

I’m so glad you started this thread, because I just drank the last of my favorite jasmine black tea, Teavana’s Thousand Mountain Jasmine, but it’s been discontinued, so I can’t get any more. T_T From your description, yyz, the Puritea version or the Tealux version might be a good place to start looking for a replacement. :)

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Argh. I just used up the last of the Black Jasmine I had and from the label I can’t tell where it came from. Not Teavana, not ESP Tea Emporium, not Aroma Tea Shop, not Adagio, not Tea & Absinthe. I wonder if it was David’s Tea? I just discovered it’s superb when iced (it’s summer now) and I would brew nothing but that for iced tea the rest of the summer if I could find more! Doesn’t even need sweetener. (Though a friend just tried it with a little squirt of agave and it was tasty.)

Uniquity said

Davids jasmine black were pearls. And delish.

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You could always try making your own. If you find a black base that you like you can add jasmine flowers to them. May also work out cheaper and you can tune the tea to your desired strength/flavour.

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New Mexico Tea Company has a jasmine black tea.

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The interesting thing about the Jasmine Black I liked so much was that it had no visible flowers in it, actually. I must prefer the jasmine teas where the essence of the jasmine is picked up by the processing (i.e. jasmine flowers steamed nearby, or dried in nets in proximity, etc…). When the actual flowers are in it some of the jasmine greens pick up a sort of chamomile note I don’t like.

I just found some of the black jasmine pearls form David’s—apparently I picked up a few the last time I was passing by one of their stores! Not bad. I think I’ll order some, but I’m still on the hunt for the mystery one. It’s very similar to a black gyokuro I bought a while ago at Sullivan Street Tea & Spice Company in NYC on a tea excursion there, but with a sweetness of jasmine married to it. Will keep searching!

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This isn’t a tea subject that comes up a lot but I’ll revive an old thread about it rather than start a new one, relating to trying a good version recently from Hatvala (from Vietnam). I’ve had commercial versions from Indonesia, where I first ran across this type, and a version I really didn’t like from Thailand, but this is a lot better, on par with the best Earl Greys I’ve ever tried. If the flavors balance really well and a tea is based on decent black tea as an input it can work well.

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