NYC Steepster Tea Meetup 5/1: The Details
Hey all,
We’ve locked down the details for the epic tea event! The meet-up will be on:
Date: Saturday, May 1 Time: 11:30 AM EST Place: Radiance Tea House and Books* ( ). Details: Tea Tasting Cost: $15/personAnd as a special treat, one person who shows up at the meet-up will receive a free, yet-to-be released, Breville One-Touch Tea Maker BTM800XL! Check here for more details about this amazing kettle, worth $250-$300 (!
Please reply to this discussion and say how many people are coming if you will be attending the meetup! We are using this to figure out how many people will be coming.
Thanks and we hope to see lots of people on Saturday!
Pending, but I should be there. Count me as 0.85th of a person. Not sure how that works :)
YES! I and my fiance will be there!
and I am crossing my fingers so hard to get that teapot, because then i could buy a ebook reader!
Excited to see you both! I won’t have a chance to make name tags, but I’ll certainly wear one if you bring them ;). At the very least we can give you an official Steepster Business Card! :D
I will totally make nametags! anyone who wants them let me know here and tomorrow at work shh i’ll use the printer to print up tags with your steepster names (and real name too if you want) (doofy staples plastic pin ones)
so far;
I wish I could…but I’m at least 7 hours away…bummer…I will be there in spirit tho!!! Will pics be posted!? On Facebook!? With Tags!?
Count me in! I cannot wait to visit my favorite tea place with some awesome steepsters :)
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