I usually just embrace the term “tea snob”.
I call myself that all the time!
C.S.A. = camellia sinensis afficianado
I feel like I need to put these initals on my business card.
This sounds very official!
I think I might just go with tea addict. lol.
Tea Enthusiast perhaps :)
What do you call somebody who prefers rooibos/ honeybush to camellia sinensis?
I hereby suggest ‘teabie’ because it’s fun to say. I think my Twitter profile says ‘tea enthusiast’ though.
I’m going to start using teabie!
A tea head? Teasessed? They Who Have To Pee A Lot?
The last one sounds kinda Monty Python.
I just say “obsessed with tea.” I guess that’s not very original/interesting/unique, but it works. I’ve heard others use the term “tea sommelier.”
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