Lipton Yellow Label - Difference in the Singapore and Canada
I’ve noticed two Lipton Yellow Label teas. One from Unilever Singapore and the other is from Unilever Canada.
Is there a difference in the two??
I don’t know about Lipton, but I know for Twinnings blends, the recipe for certain teas are different for the UK vs. North America.
I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a difference. They’re probably adjusted to what the locals prefer taste-wise. Bit like McDonalds is a world-wide national brand, but the menu is not necessarily always the same because of local tastes.
I’m in Canada and the labeling here is different from the online label I saw online for Yellow Label in the USA—here the package doesn’t say “Black Tea” anywhere on the box (which is odd, and which left me searching online for exactly what kind of tea it is). On brewing it I thought it had a very promising black tea aroma, but was disappointed by its utterly flat, bland flavour. Perhaps a bad batch, or a blandness specific to the Canada blend, but I won’t be buying this one again.
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