Traveling Tea Box #2

179 Replies
Doulton said

I would be interested in participating again, but since I was in on the first round, will understand if you don’t have room for me in a new rotation.

My own (strong) personal preference is that the box be limited to Steepster members so that we can know at least a little bit about each member and so that we can get “field notes” from the stops the tea box makes.
Cofftea said

With the number of steepster members I think knowing at least a little bit about every participant is asking a bit much. What do you want to know about them? Maybe Jason (or someone) could collect the info that you are requesting. Also, “field notes” from the stops the tea box makes can be found in the box (I’m assuming you just want in/out notes?… I’m kind of confused on both your points.)

Jason select said

@Doulton: Of course we have room for you! If the list gets too big we might break it into smaller sections, but we’ll see.

Doulton said

@Cofftea: I enjoy reading the tasting notes of people who are participating in the TTB (Traveling Tea Box). When I had the one that Angrboda so wonderfully started, I was able to look up some of the tasting notes which helped me in deciding what to try and what to pass on.

@Cofftea, I have the knack of constantly confusing you and annoying you. I don’t entirely know in what ways I am so opaque. By “knowing a bit” about the people, I mean simply knowing the person’s preferences in tea; the way the people write about tea. Cofftea, almost anytime I write anything, it feels as if you pounce on me to object. You would make a fine attorney.

It is also nice to read the “field notes” in terms of reviews that people post AFTER I’ve had the box and no longer have access to the journal that travels with the box.

To clarify: i don’t want to engage in identity theft; I don’t want to know anyone’s address or social security number: I just want to know what kinds of teas they like. Is that clear enough? I don’t want to know the name of their first grade teachers or whether or not they come from a dysfunctional family.
I am sorry that I confuse you. But I really don’t seem to confuse others that much.

Cofftea said

Doulton, I never once said you annoy me. I didn’t because it simply is not true. I would think that my trying to understand you would be a good thing. Whether you think it is or not, it is- so I’m not going to apologize for it. I am sorry you feel like I’m “pouncing” on you. When a person (anyone) says/writes something I do not understand I ask questions for clarification so that I can. I don’t know about you, but I don’t like to be misunderstood, to misunderstand people, or to make assumptions. Asking questions helps me prevent these three things. Do you enjoy puting things in such a way you know will make me question what you mean? While there may be some (several even) steepser members you will “know a bit” about, there are chances you won’t… knew members, members you don’t follow etc. You could have simply used the terms tasting notes or reviews. And RE: your “to clarify” comments- if you could please do your best to change the tone in which your postings (specifically this one) convey I would most greatly appreciate it. Thank you.

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I would love to participate again, and again volunteer to purchase a little lightweight camera so everyone has a chance to take pictures and post them if they don’t otherwise have digital camera access. i am willing to mail internationally (and yes i do know how expensive and fussy customs and such can be)

i love the journal from the first one and recommend it be repeated.

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Cait select said

I’m also inclined to ask that the Travelling Teabox travel among steepsterites. Isn’t most of the fun seeing the reviews people put up for the various teas in the box? I know I certainly enjoyed that vicariously from the first round and was already thinking of what teas I could acquire specifically for the purpose of launching them outward and seeing what people thought of them.

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Erin said

I am SO in on this! I joined Steepster just a few days after the deadline for the 1st TTB… I was quite disappointed when I realized I had missed something so amazing.

If it matters, I 2nd AmazonV about putting another journal in the box. There’s just something about flipping through a hand-written journal that makes me feel closer to people and really allows me to understand their thoughts and feelings. I’m one of the declining number of people who still actually write letters. I guess I’m old-fashioned for a 19-year old!

Also, I’d have to agree with Cait and everybody else who said that the TTB should stay within the Steepsterites for all the reasons that everybody has already stated.

Finally, I am crazy excited for this. Seriously.

Cofftea said

Erin… what about a little 3 ring binder or folder and instead of putting a notebook in, everyone puts in a post card of their city (or state if that’s all you’re ok with) and writes what they put in and took out. That way we have an in/out log as well as getting a little geography lesson. It’s kinda like a message in a bottle, for me the path the tea takes is much more interesting. But of course you can’t drink interesting so the tea is amazing too:)

Erin said

We could combine the two ideas to make the ultimate record. Keep the original notebook idea but make it more of a scrapbook-type journal. That way we can tape in our postcards (I would have to add a TX postcard because I highly doubt they make postcards of my little podunk town) and pictures of ourselves with the TTB and write journal entries, tasting notes and letters to future recipients. It’ll be a TTBSB (Traveling Tea Box Scrapbook)!

Erin said

“You can’t drink interesting” I LOL’d when I read that! It is so true, and I like the way you said it!

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Count me in please:)

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SoccerMom said

Please count me in too! :)

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Ewa select said

Definitely in!

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Miss Sweet said

I’m totally in for this!!!

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I’d love to participate in this go ’round!

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