tea from e-bay?
Anyone ever buy tea from e-bay tea vendors based out of China?
I bought a few teas from one. All the teas are supposed to be organic. I decided to contact the seller to ask to see certification. They responded “Sorry, As we sell tea that is loose tea, we can’t provide any certification for you.” Anyway, the teas came in sealed packages with brand names on them but I don’t understand Chinese so I couldn’t read them.
Someone told me ‘organic’ is just a loosely used term like ‘supreme’ or ‘premium’ used to sell things in mainland China.
Should I not worry and just enjoy the tea?
Do you have a medical or sensitivity issue that would preclude you from using the tea?
I try and buy organic (anything) first as a general rule, but if the price excludes or I find a local deal but not organic I will buy non organic.
I think that organic is at times bandied as a catch word a lot. And if the seller can not offer you proof that the tea was in fact organic. I would be hesitant to believe that it is.
But I myself, would probably drink it anyway! shrugs.. Waste Not, Want Not. :D !!! but I’m a real cheapskate
I am drinking it anyway. The tea tastes good and is fresh, so I am enjoying it.
If you need a good ebay vendor I know a couple of good ones. Follow me and message me after if you need any info about them.
Thanks. I followed you but not sure how to message you (it says you have to follow me?) but not sure if I invited you since I don’t have your email.
Please let us know how you liked the teas. The prices seem pretty good.
In most cases, especially with the greens and whites so far, it is good quality tea. Not totally certain about pesticide content but the taste is good and seems fresh. The tea doesn’t appear to be direct from the farmer though. It comes in small commercial packages, like something you’d see in a market. But I’m fairly new to fine teas so maybe I’d be more impressed with more rare teas direct from the farmer.
I haven’t tried that company but have had success with others on eBay.
Royal Tea Bay
China Show Market
Dragon Tea House
Royal Tea Bay seconded. One of my top three. Cindy has a good selection of organic. Here is a link to her store http://www.ebay.com/sch/cctvsystem2011/m.html?item=400518252872&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEWNX%3AIT&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562
Has anyone tried their Da Hong Pao? I had one at the Chinese restaurant that the owner gave me special – they don’t normally serve it, only Lipton, LOL! – but that DHP from China was the best one I have had! Unfortunately, it was actually shipped from China and everything was in Chinese, so I have no way to get more.
huhjunn, any type in particular? I do a lot of puerh and i think Berylleb King Tea has some organics. Here is a link to them. It is an organic but they have more. Good sellers and fast secure shipping. Look around and let me know if you find anything. I have a pretty good connection with them. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Organic-Taiwan-Jin-Xuan-Milk-Dong-Ding-Oolong-Tea-100g-/320631473733?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4aa7200645.
Hey mrmopar I ended up buying from cctv2011 organic oolong. I’m really scared to drink it because the leaves are spotted with black :(. And i’ve never tried oolong so I don’t know what it should taste like
This thread inspired me to try an ebay puerh purchase. I went with the cctvsystem as recommended by mrmopar.
This thread inspired me to try an ebay puerh purchase. I went with a raw puerh from cctvsystem as recommended by mrmopar.
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