Tea Blogs!
So I recently created a new blog that is going to focus on Tea, among other things, and I was just wondering who all out there has a tea blog? My blog is http://teatravelsandtrade.wordpress.com/ if anyone is interested! I hope to hear back from you all!
Great idea! My tea blog is at http://wordsabouttea.blogspot.com/ and you can see how the Battle of the Earl Greys is going, among other random things. I look forward to seeing what else gets posted!
PositiviTEA – Good start. I do have a comment and it may just be my browser, The font seems very small on your blog and difficult for old eyes.
There is an older thread on blogs you may want to search and read through. My personal tea blog is http://theeverdayteablog.blogspot.com/
Thank you for the tip about the old thread on blogs. I will have to look that up! And about the font, I did notice that it is kind of small, and I am trying to go about making it a little bit larger. Thanks for letting me know though!!
My tea blog is in Bosnian, Google Translate should make it comprehendable to certain point.
My blog is The Oolong Owl http://www.oolongowl.com/ mostly tea reviews, tea photos, crazy owls and pu’er tea drunk party times.
(edit, blog address changed)
I have one for tea stuff outside of general reviews (of which I use Steepster for); mostly tea history and books. And art.
http://artoftea.teatra.de no affiliation with either the company nor the magazine of the same name.
So glad you started this thread because there are a few of you that I was not aware of before. You can find my blog at http://www.teaformeplease.com.
The SororiTea Sisters tea blog was founded my myself and TeaEqualsBliss, and some time ago, we also added Azzrian as an additional writer.
Thank you for this thread! Is there a tea blog club for everyone here with blogs to join? I would love to join/add/follow! :)
I have a Tea Matcha Blog:
I think the closest to a tea blog club would be the whole of http://teatra.de which is a site designed for (among other things) hosting tea blogs (utilizing the Wordpress platform).
I have a blog, too. :)
It’s mostly a photo blog, though, with lots of nerdy and tea-related photos!
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