It takes a bit of weeding thru but just do a user search for tea.
User search will get you thousands of results :-p Recently I’ve just started twitter and am still learn my way using it. I started by searching tea and planned to add as many tea people as possible. Then I stopped at about 40, seeing there were thousands more :-p But with time being, there are more ID’s recommended by other tea people. And a tip from Jackie of Leafbox Tea is, before you follow someone (or when going through your follower), click the ID and take a glance at the short bio, homepage, etc. That helps recognize people you would be really interested in.
I am LifeInTeacup on twitter.
I also have to admit, I am not yet used to such kind of new tech thing. I am following about 50 people, and already feel a little overwhelmed. There is a lot of fun too. My favorite part is replying to and retweeting people’s tea statements that I think very classy :D
I just signed up to follow Adagio (thanks to Cofftea!) and The Simple Leaf.
The “lists” feature is a great way to find and follow tea companies. Find one tea aficionado (or company) on twitter and see if they have a list created with “tea” or “tea companies,” etc., as the name. The lists are basically a way of categorizing the twitterers you follow. Here’s mine but it’s pretty generic (some are tea companies, and some are review sites, etsy merchants, or bloggers):
If you like someone’s list, I think you can follow everyone on it with one click. Or you can click through to individual accounts and follow just the ones that appeal to you.
Oh, I’d forgotten about lists because I haven’t really had a reason to use them yet — that’s a great idea!
We’re at @LeafSpaTea and consistently give away coupons, deals of the week, etc… through our Twitter account. Occasionally, we just put out some funny commentary, but, hopefully that’s ok with you too.
I’m at @specialteabrew and I like to post stuff on either what I am drinking or loving. Different specials and products for sale. I try to get on at least once a week and just looking at other tea companies it looks like most do things daily / weekly… I think it depends on how big they are and all their promotions etc…
Found this particular list on twitter:
Although I think the best strategy would be to make your own list and fill it with companies that you like. Usually the places you order from have a twitter button on their main page.
Hello everyone! I just signed up for a twitter account. So far I have found:
If you would like to add me, I’m at:!/jackiemania
(can you believe JacquelineM was taken! Hmph! I used this name – it’s what Word autocorrects my name to – lol!)
I’ve been searching for some of you, but I’m still very new at this and am having a bit of trouble, so send me your twitter name if you have one :)
@lupiciafreshtea and @mightyleaf … even if you aren’t the biggest Mighty Leaf fan, I recommend following them on twitter. They post a lot of interesting tea related stuff in general, and will actually reply to you when you chat with them. ^^
Thank you! I actually really liked the one mighty leaf tea I’ve tried!
Joy’s Teaspoon can be found on Twitter (@joysteaspoon). We post specials, articles, just about anything going on with us on there!
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