Cofftea said

Starbucks: Swapping selection for quality?

At first I was thrilled when Starbucks made the change to full leaf sachets! …Then I realized my favorite, and the only one I ever get other than chai, Ginger Green was not offered in full leaf. I cwasn’t too terribly disappointed because only 1 of the 8 stores in my area carry it so I felt lucky (We actually have an incredible tea selection). But then… I stopped there a week and a half ago needing some hot ginger green goodness on my throat and ordered myself a tall… only to find out it’s been discontinued! Could this be because it wasn’t full leaf? Has anyone else experienced this tragedy? I don’t care if it’s in a flat bag or not… I want my ginger green back! If they did eliminate non sachet teas for that reason, what’s your opinion? Would you rather have just a couple sachets or more bags?

8 Replies

Rather have the sachets, definitely. I compared several versions back to back regular bags and sachets, and the flavor was completely different and much, much better in the full leaf sachets.

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Rabs said

Having worked for them (either at their store or somewhat through B&N) it’s all about “bringing quality to the masses.” So my guess would be that yes, they are limiting their selection for now to see if they can boost their tea sales through marketing the fact that they have the highest quality/convenient teas.

If they’re still selling Tazo, then I believe that you can go to and pick up some Green Ginger teabags (I haven’t been in an actual Starbucks for over 3 years, but I’m assuming that they’re still selling Tazo). Hope that helps!

Cofftea said

Thanks Rabs, but I’m exclusively loose at home so the only time I ever have (or would) get the bagged (or even sachet) version would be at Starbucks. My issue isn’t not being able to get it period, it’s not being able to get it there.

Rabs said

Okay, so unless they’ve created some sort of new policy in the past 3 years, then you should be able to bring your own teabag and request a (whatever size cup you’d like) with hot water for tea and even give them the teabag for them to use. I’d also recommend putting a small tip in the tip jar for the baristas if you do that (I’m talking a quarter or less) – it’s not their fault that the company did a stupid thing – and I hated it when people took their frustration out on me for other discontinued items :)

Cofftea said

Rabs, I really have no desire to do that either- I can drink my own tea at home. It was a treat I got at Starbucks specifically. But if I did, I’d totally put in a tip valuing the price of an actual cup of tea in the size I wanted, extra bags and all (my typical drink was either a 2 bag tall- iced and blended it looked just like beer, or a 6 bag 36oz in my own bottle)

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Spot52 select said

The local store around here discontinued the Lotus tea. I was incredibly disappointed, and I order it every time I go in. Of course I know they don’t have it anymore, but I feel like I am proving some point. (silly, I know)

Cofftea said

You ARE proving a point. It’s not silly at all.

the baristas can’t do anything about it-if you really want a chance at it back use and/or their contact us form on their website

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