Grr! How can some tea companies charge me $30 to ship to Canada and others $8????
So frustrating. I KNOW damn well it doesn’t have to cost so much. I put one tea for $6.99 in my cart and estimated shipping – $30 was the cheapest method.
Twice now, two different companies. It’s maddening. And will stop me from buying every time. It’s a shame because there are some I’d love to try! But I will stick with the companies that are reasonable, so thanks for existing,
$30 is a bit redic but shipping to Canada and in Canada is pretty expensive. I shipped someone an eyeshadow duo that weighed 0.20oz in a small bubble envelope from BC to ON and it costed $12!
True, shipping to Canada can be pricey, and shipping within Canada also, but I have received boxes of tea that shipped for $9 or so, so I know the option exists!
And if it is that much of a pain in the ass to ship First Class from the states (the cost efficient method, apparently), then I hereby officially and genuinely THANK every company that offers it as an option. I like knowing that I can afford to try your teas!
There’s hardly any point of me going there to shop if the shipping is going to cost 5x the price of the shipping! >:(
I can answer that for you from a smaller business perspective.
This is what we charge and often do still lose money on shipping. We certainly don’t make any money off of shipping.
Canadian Shipping Charges
1-2 Teas: $8.75
3-4 Teas: $9.25
5-8 Teas: $10.50
9-12 Teas $11.75
More Than 13 Teas: $13.00
$75+ free shipping
We use First Class International Mail. To use First Class International Mail, it is a fairly large hassle involving extra forms, the inability for us at least to print shipping labels and stamps from the purchase. It takes a considerable amount more time then if we were to just use Priority Mail. Priority Mail is 3X more expensive and won’t get there any faster but it is way easier for a business to use. Also, there is no real tracking on First Class International Mail.
That’s totally reasonable though, Stacy! I literally had one ounce of tea in my shopping cart and the least pricey option was $28 something. It’s just too much.
You guys should take a look at They are integrated with a lot of carts and although I’ve only been using them a few months, I’ve been VERY impressed with them. Their monthly fee includes an Endicia account which will allow you to print one 4×6 shipping label with the customs form included. Lots of other time-saving features (merge orders, etc.).
whatshesaid-Thanks! That’s why we stick to First Class International Mail. I couldn’t even think of charging $30 for shipping 1 tea, though I do understand why companies will use Priority Mail.
52teas-Thanks for the tip! Anything that makes International shipping less of a hassle is certainly worth investigating.
I’ve been splitting orders to save on shipping, because it’s completely ridiculous. It’s cheaper for us to order together, have it shipped to one of us to split up the parcel, and then send the rest of the teas on.
Also, we get to share more teas that way. It’s kind of awesome.
(Stacy even noticed that we were splitting up our Butiki order, so she sent two each of the four samples included with the order. <3 Stacy!)
I definitely recommend splitting orders! After about 13 ounces (box included in weight) or so, the rates become much more reasonable. The new USPS prices seem to specifically hurt smaller orders. We are happy to add extra samples for order splits. :)
When the company charges $30 to shop one ounce of tea to me I shudder to think what, say, 10 oz might cost.
Well, when companies offer free shipping once you spend a certain amount, it makes it much more tempting. However, we did just place a Harney & Sons order, and for all of the tea we ordered, we are each paying $7.50 for shipping.
Yes, absolutely! And 7.50 isn’t so bad. I will try to convince my tea lovin’ friend to split some orders with me in the future. :)
Our shipping costs:
Shipping to Canada is $3.99 + $0.50 per ounce or $4.99 per week of subscription (Just $8.33 per MONTH, if you subscribe to one of our monthly plans.) All other countries: $5.99 + $0.75 per ounce or $7.49 per week of subscription (Just $13.99 per MONTH, if you subscribe to one of our monthly plans.)
I do have to say, I sympatize with companies that charge more for shipping. It IS expensive. It JUST went up recently. The 2oz. pouch of tea that cost me $1.69 to ship to Canada five years ago now costs more than $6.
It is. What really stinks is that the recent price increase by the USPS really severely impacted smaller, lightweight packages way more than any other package class. It was like they were specifically picking on us.
I think Canada went up recently also. I don’t know what their problem is, it’s ridiculous.
Sorry to hear of your pain. It is true that shipping costs have increased, we are feeling it at Tealet. We are still planning what to do about international orders because it will hurt our business in the long run. In the meantime we are continuing to offer free shipping on all orders no matter how big or small, domestic or international. Check out our teas here: Or you can sign up for our subscription service Global Tea Tasters:
sadly, it’s one of the reasons why I am seriously thinking of not ordering with yunnan sourching. (shipping cheapest option via china air 43.15 USD!!! shipping takes up more than 50% of the order.
ugg yeah. I wanna order a gaiwan there – the US site shipping sucks too. $8 to ship within the US is pretty bad – and they said the shipping total includes their extra $2 handling fee. To Canada would be much worse!
I haven’t checked them out recently. But I have the impression that a lot of their stuffs (puerh and Yunnan green especially) are indeed more than 50% cheaper than you could ever get from within US. In that sense, it justifies the shipping.
We offer $15 FedEx international to Canada – most orders arrive in a day or two.
While that isn’t a terrible price compared to some other companies, it is a little high and is one of the reasons I’ve yet to place an order with American Tea Room. Makes me sad because the one tea I’ve had from you was amazing (Milk Oolong). Do you have a free shipping threshold?
i’m with IB on that one. 15$ isn’t anything i’d pay for shipping since i can go to other places that will either charge me less as a canadian or give me a free shipping minimum of 50$ ish
I think that’s awesome. i’d pay extra for quicker shipping. Most of my orders don’t arrive for nearly 2 weeks!
Indigobloom: We do have a free shipping threshold but only in the US. It is very expensive to ship to Canada – we basically subsidize the cost of sending via FedEx as we have found they are better with customs and delivery – you get what you pay for. We wish we had a more economical solution for all our customers.
Almost always does, I’ve never had a FedEx to Canada that didn’t from a tea company so now I won’t use companies that won’t ship USPS. Lol
Tea is exempt from customs charges, as are almost all whole spices. So it seems ridiculous that you’d have to pay brokerage fees on something that’s exempt. :/
OMG… i norite?! I suspect that its possible that there was something over than tea in the boxes like a cup or something. I only have myself to blame, but out of habit? it’s just easier not to order. Or…get it from the tea mule!
Yeah,it’s frustrating. I’ve accepted that most US orders will cost me $10, (avg), and that I will never be able to order from Adagio unless I split it. Sorry Tardis blend… :(
I appreciate the merchants on Steepster explaining the shipping from there side. I know it’s not easy for you either.
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