Brown Rock Sugar Stick
I am normally a non-sweetener person, but these Brown Rock Sugar Sticks are just so intriguing to me. I have found a couple online sellers, like Red Leaf Tea and just want to know if this is a reliable place?
I have ordered matcha and tea from red leaf and the service and products have been great. Have not tried their rock sugar but I have tried it from other companies.
I got some from RLT – I haven’t tried them yet. They are pretty big and more sugar than I’d use in a cup of tea, but would be great for a small pot of tea. For my typical use anyways, I could probably use one whole one in a really tart tea. Would be lovely for a tea party or for guests though!
I took a quick pic with a quarter
RLT has great shipping prices too!
You can also make your own,
Red Leaf Tea is a very reliable shop. :) Dozens upon dozens of Steepsterites shop there regularly. I’ve put an order in myself, actually, which arrived safely and without problems.
I can’t speak for their German Rock Sugar as I haven’t tried it, but I can definitely vouch for their integrity. :)
If you ever decide to shop from Butiki Teas (DO it! Seriously haha) they also offer the sugar too, except in little crystals rather than on a stick, which in my opinion would be better, because you can control how much you use much more easily.
I buy my german rock sugar from Teavana because it’s basically the same price everywhere and there’s a Teavana shop in the mall. RLT is not the only place to buy rock sugar. I prefer to use the loose rocks because it’s easier to use less than a big old stick, otherwise you’re stuck with the ‘stir it until it’s approximately the right taste’ method since that’s a bit stick for one cup/pot of tea.
That said, Red Leaf Tea is awesome.
There is a big difference in German Rock Sugar, which is from beets, and most of the white and brown rock sugar sold, which is usually cane. Just be sure that wherever you buy, you don’t pay German Rock Sugar prices for cane sugar.
Also, some people complain that German rock sugar has more calories per teaspoon. Yes it does, but you need less of it because it is so dense. There is more sugar there than in a tsp. of loose granulated.
I seldom use sugar in my tea, but I like German rock sugar or raw cane sugar when I do use it. For plain matcha lattes I usually use honey.
I used to buy those and eat them right from the stick as a kid. I can hardly resist the temptation to go find some now. I don’t sweeten my tea but I keep thinking I want German Rock Sugar. Probably just to eat. :)
A german online tea shop with also many sugars
Click on box right side Kandis & Co
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