Do any online tea sites sell EMPTY tea tins?
Do any online tea companies sell empty tea tins? Or maybe even empty thicker plastic zip pouches ?
I’ve been directed here in the past though shipping sucks, but cheap if you need lots.
empty tins from tea companies, a number of them do: couple sizes various colours really pretty ones colourful ones and interesting ones
Though – I get my own tea tins from IKEA. it’s like $4 for 3 good sizes ones.
Adagio has some nice ones.
Oh nice. All of these are good ones I hadn’t known about before. Though, anyone can keep listing any others they know about!
Also, does anyone really think the clear Adagio lids are UV protected? Can’t some light still get in them? Probably more than a non-clear lid would?
I’ve heard this site has pretty good containers, especially the TLAT6 one. Haven’t tried them myself though.
Also, if you weren’t specifically set on using tins, I found that glass mason jars in various sizes work pretty well. And you can keep light away by painting/covering the outsides. I’ve seen some people use blackboard paint so they can write what tea is inside.
I really like these from adagio. They are glass, but UV protected. I like to be able to see my teas. They’re a little pricier though.
I love the Davids tins and also the Harney and Sons tins. You can buy both of those empty.
Why not just keep tea in a cupboard? Then you don’t have to worry about UV degradation. Metal tins from teas I’ve finished are usually quite nice and I keep them around to store the new stuff. I also trade with my friend when we acquire too much (the downside of buying in bulk).
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