Tea Jokes
Tea means tradition, history, it is a social leant, an amazing beverage, a pleasant past time, but do you find it funny?
We do!
Here’s a tea joke to brighten your day.
What do lady teapots like to wear?
String of Earls!
Do you know some more?
mmm. I think this can get very cultural… hardly any jokes about tea here, on the other hand, much more about coffee, since we drink the most coffee per head in Europe :()) lol
Longer ago than I would care to mention I remember someone asking my mother if she liked Darjeeling, and she replied that she didn’t know as she had never darjeeled.
-Hey, we’re out of puer!
-And this is a problem, how?
Well instead of making jokes on tea, rather drinking tea can be a good pastime & doing gossip point of view, where it encourage people of all ages to come & sit together & share their experiences.
I don’t recall where I heard this, and I don’t know if it counts as joke or a riddle. Either way it makes me smile:
What starts with T, ends with T and is filled with T?
-A teapot! =)
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