Adagio: Earl Grey Moonlight: delicious!
Numi: Aged Earl Grey: tasty!
Yorkshire Early Grey: I haven’t tried it yet, but just picked up some on sale. : )
I think I’ve had some by Upton that was lovely, Peets, too…
If only we could taste what Captain Picard got from the replicator, I bet it was the best EG EVER!!
Absolutely Serenity. I have often dreamt of what Capt. Picard may have been drinking and if in fact it was Earl Grey I wondered just how amazing it must have tasted.
They probably just gave Patrick Steward a cup of water to drink. :/ I’d be really impressed if he actually was drinking tea.
I’m back to say that I tried the Yorkshire EG and it was just wonderful. I think each person has his or her own preferences and for me, I liked how Yorkshire did not taste flowery or perfumey.
@ Dustin: no! Let me imagine him sipping the earl grey…hot! lol
From Neon magazine online interview with Patrick Stewart: quote:
In Star Trek you drink a lot of Earl Grey. Do you see that as a man’s tea?
When it first came up that Captain Picard was going to drink a lot of tea I suggested lapsang souchong, but the producers thought that nobody would know what it was. I must urge people not to send me any more Earl Grey. I’ve got so much of it now I could open a tea shop.
You know, this Tea Earl Grey Hot is /actually/ my favorite EG…
Oooooh, sounds like he’s a tea man then! I have a little more appreciation for him now. I wonder if he even likes Earl Grey anymore after receiving so much of it.
Woohoo! Other trekkies! Loving the Sir Pat Stew trivia in this thread ;)
@ Michelle: oh, wow! Want! Now all they need is a Deanna Troi Hot Chocolate…
do you have any of those teas swappable, Serenity? :D
and oh, i so want to try that Tea EG Hot, Michelle :)
@ yssah: sorry, perhaps another time? Thanks! : )
Serenity, I am picturing chocolate with raspberries for Deanna Troi, because she was sweet and compassionate, but could give someone a dressing down if needed.
Riker, hmmm I think a Whiskey flavored tea for him.
Worf, some kind of complex chai, because he was a bit complex himself
Dr.Crusher, a white tea with a touch of strawberries
That’s all I can think of…been years since I’ve seen the show.
I’m more of a trekie by association although I am a bit of a scifi fan when it comes to other shows. My husband is the big Star Trek fan in the house and I end up watching it when he has it on. The other day we watched a documentary by William Shatner where he interviewed all the actors that played captains. It was a little painful with Shatner’s over the top acting.
Worf needs a tea with prunes in it. I’m remembering prune juice being “the drink of warriors” for Klingons.
I always wondered what was in the Klingon tea. And how the doctor gave herself the antidote through her jacket.
Lynxiegirl: perfect idea!
And…how can there not be a fan blend on Adagio called Klingon Tea Ceremony?! Make it so!
And then a ’ship (ah! pun!) blend: Antidote!
Fans send him Early Grey, and he has more than he knows what to do with? That’s hysterical! And lucky of him…
That Patrick Stewart fact is my favorite piece of knowledge of my week. Thanks for sharing. Also, hilarious. I wish I had thought of sending Patrick Stewart tea.
Harney and Sons Earl Grey Supreme is my fave! I like it much better than their regular Earl or their Earl Grey Imperial.
Ashmanra, believe it or not, H&S is my favorite too! Second would be S&V Aromatic EG (they have about 15 different EG blends, but I’ve only had Aromatic). What a strange coincidence since yesterday I was telling you we have the same taste in flavored matcha.
Wow! We should meet up next time you are in Raleigh and hit the tea shops! LOL!
Seriously! My husband and I might be up that way this summer. Asheville has a good tea shop, but I’m unfamiliar with what Raleigh has to offer.
I liked the EG Supreme Latte that I had a few weeks ago, been tempted to go pick up a tin of it even though I don’t got the room and I got 2 (well 3 if I count the bagged EG.) Earl Grey’s (an Victorian EG and a EG Creme deLa Creme.) lol.
I like the Mariage Freres Earl Grey Imperial. It’s available at Dean&Deluca. Both loose leaf and bags. Mariage Freres in France has over 15 different types of Earl
Grey tea. I wonder what Riker drinks. Or Worf or Geordi. . .
I recommend Upton Tea’s Earl Grey Creme Vanilla. It’s also somewhat ridiculously cheap.
Island rose Organic Bergamot is one of the best I’ve had. Yes it’s name isn’t Earl Grey but it’s the same thing. This one you must try. They have lots of other good ones too.
Right now my favorite “normal” (so no extras like cream/vanilla, lavender, fruit, smoke, etc.) EGs include Teajo Silky Earl Grey and Harney and Sons Viennese Earl Grey. I’m super excited to try the Earl from Justea because I love their Kenyan Black so much, but it hasn’t arrived yet.
My favorite “out there” Earl is Lupicia’s Earl Grey Grand Classic. I always describe it the same way—it bears little resemblance to Earls as we know them today but has this very vintage old world dare-I-say exotic feel, kinda evoking a turn of the century opium den. It’s smoky with Chinese longan fruit. I love it, but then I’ve never shied away from smoke when it’s balanced with other things.
I love when these little conversations get bumped up and I get to re-read them.
Do you still like the Earl Gray Moonlight by Adagio? I want to place an Adagio order, and I’m thinking of order some for my mom.
I hate to say this, but I kind of need a break from it. It’s not the tea… it’s me. It’s awesome, and we’ve had some great times together. If your mom is an EG fan, she will like a lot, I bet!
That happens. But yeah, she’s a huge EG fan, and while I don’t hate EG, I don’t like it, so I’m anxious to buy her some, since I don’t really know the profile I’m looking for. They all kind of taste the same to me.
Let us know, I imagine she will love it!
The only Earl Grey I’ve ever enjoyed is this one
That one looks so interesting. I’m not a big Lapsang Souchong person, but I’m intrigued about the idea of the smokey flavor mixed with the distinctive and strong citrus.
I must once again plug my beloved Fortum and Mason Earl Grey. Even my causal tea drinker husband insists on it. And now I must try mixing it with some of my lapsang souchong!
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